Prague opens a renovated ground floor of The Old Town Hall

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The City of Prague, together with Prague City Tourism, has opened the renovated lower part of the Old Town Hall and a new tourist facility. It includes a tourist information centre, Guides & Tours and the first brick-and-mortar shop with cultivated souvenirs. A stone passage connecting the Old Town Square with Mikulášská Street is newly opened to Prague residents and will also ensure fully barrier-free access to the town hall. The Old Town Hall has been undergoing gradual revitalization in recent years. After the town hall tower and the space on the ground floor, the city will focus in the coming years on its Romanesque – Gothic underground, which is older than the town hall itself. The reconstruction of the ground floor of the Old Town Hall began in March 2022 and was completed in August 2023.

Press release of Prague City Tourism here:

6. září 2023
6. září 2023