České doteky hudby will bring harmony to the winter Prague

The impressive music experience can be enjoyed at eleven concerts. The 20th anniversary of the festival will bring music and harmony to the various venues in the city: Rudolfinum, Obecní dům (Municipal House), Pražský hrad (Prague Castle), Novoměstská radnice (New Town Hall), Kongresové centrum (Prague Congress Centre) and the hall in the city of Mladá Boleslav. You will be able to enjoy the pleasure of various types of classical music from various eras, such as orchestral music, chamber music or recitals. The audience will hear some very famous pieces as well as interesting music titles rarely performed.

The concerts celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Republic

This year, the popular music festival opens with a special concert commemorating the 100th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Czechoslovakia, that will take place in Španělský sál Pražského hradu (Spanish Hall of Prague Castle). One of the most renowned Czech pianists Ivan Klánský will perform Beethoven's Piano Concerto in C minor with the State Philharmonic Orchestra Košice.

This anniversary will be dedicated also to a concert of Česko-Slovenské Operní Gala. The soprano Eva Urbanová, the tenor Jaroslav Březina and the bass Peter Mikuláš will sing famous opera arias as well as duets. Among other pieces, you can listen to Smetana's Libuše, Dvořák's Rusalka, or Janáček's Její pastorkyně.

Dan Bárta with Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra

The concert of a charismatic singer Dan Bárta promises to be another event to remember. Dan Bárta has been named the singer of the year 10 times and the singer of the quarter of century at the Anděl Popular Music Awards. The combination of Dan Bárta & Illustratosphere have already become a legend. The singer Dan Bárta is well known to many, either from J.A.R. or for his collaboration with the Robert Balzar Trio. His unmistakable voice and excellent technique of singing, in collaboration with first-class musicians, and even in connection with the Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra Pardubice, will amaze every listener.

His collaboration with the Philharmonic began in 2013, when they performed the first concert together. In his own words, “It’s nice to play with a big ensemble, because of the sound, timbre and actually the strength, when forty people decide to give it a go at the same time …”

A beautiful cellist and fanfares will conclude the festival

The jubilee 20th year of the festival will be concluded by a concert of a young and a sympathetic French-Belgian cellist Camille Thomas, whose music is very convincing. She is the international discovery of 2014, and the concert in Smetanova síň Obecního domu (Smetana Music Hall in Municipal House) will be her Prague premiere performance. She will be a soloist in the performance of Dvořák’s Concerto in B minor, a piece of music loved by cellists all over the world.

At the very end of the festival, celebratory fanfares from the Sinfonietta by Leoš Janáček will mark the joy from freedom that came in 1918 with the establishment of Czechoslovakia.


Information on the festival

16/12/2018 – 06/01/2019

Prague – various places

Entrance fees: 250 CZK – 1,700 CZK

For further information and programme please visit www.ceskedotekyhudby.cz

19. prosince 2018
19. prosince 2018