Free entrance to the National Gallery

Entrance to the National Gallery will be free at the beginning of February on the occasion of the 224th anniversary of the foundation of the Society of Patriotic Friends of Art ('Společnost vlasteneckých přátel umění'). Take this unique opportunity to visit their collections and exhibitions on the 1st and 2nd of February.

Amazing artworks from the Czech Republic and abroad are displayed on a permanent and temporary basis in the second oldest gallery in Europe, after the Louvre in Paris. Exhibition spaces are located in beautiful historical buildings such as the Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia, Kinský Palace, Salm Palace, Schwarzenberg Palace, Sternberg Palace, Waldstein Riding School and the Trade Fair Palace.


What exhibitions are on at the moment? There is a lot to see, for lovers of both new and old art. For example, the exhibition “Old Masters”, a display of masterpieces from the Collection of Old Art from the 16th to 18th centuries, is on in the Schwarzenberg Palace.

Even over hundreds of years, the art in the exhibition has not lost its artistic potential. You can see gems by Hans von Aachen, Petr Brandl, Matthias Bernard Braun, Lucas Cranach, Francisco José Goya, Hans Holbein, Peter Paul Rubens, Karel Škréta, and many other important and renowned artists.


Havel to the Castle!

The events of the year ‘1989’ are the topic of the photography exhibition in the Trade Fair Palace. The exhibition was curated for the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, as part of the project ‘Havel to the Castle!’

The work of approximately 30 Czech photographers, who captured revolutionary events as well as more everyday photos, is displayed in the exhibition. Of course, there are dramatic images of clashes between demonstrators and the police, streets and shop windows covered with revolutionary posters, portraits of Václav Havel, and a euphoric crowd celebrating the first free New Year's Eve.


  1. For further information, please visit:
31. ledna 2020
31. ledna 2020