Increase of ponds in Prague

Two new ponds and one revitalized pond serve as recreational spaces for the residents of Prague and contribute to the increase of biodiversity. They are owned by the City of Prague and managed by 'Lesy hlavního města Prahy' (Prague City Forests).

Terezka, which is probably the nicest newly opened pond, is located in Liboc, right next to the popular Hvězda Game Reserve. The size of the pond is ​​1,700 m² and it shares its water source – Litovický Stream – with the neighbouring pond in the game reserve.
Until recently, it was only an unpleasant overgrown meadow full of litter and the remains of a community garden. Today, you will find a popular recreational spot, where locals and families like to come and swim in the pond. The area around the Church of Sts. Fabian and Sebastian was also revived with a restored orchard. It is a popular area for dog walking.

Another new pond in Lipiny

Another new pond was created in the valley close to Modřany Housing Estate, in the lower part of the the Modřany Gully nature reserve, where, until recently, acacia trees hid Libušský Stream under the ground. During the works on the pond, the stream was brought to the surface and now it supplies a new pond called Lipiny with water, through several flowing pools. A pond with a surface area of ​​4 360 m² is complemented by a small pool of 200 m². Because it has to serve for extensive fish farming, all the necessary facilities were built.

Milíčov will also be for fish

The last pond we want to introduce to you is not brand-new, but has been revitalized. Milíčovský Pond is a water reservoir in the forest in the south of Jižní Město with an area of ​​almost 29,000 m². The reservoir underwent fundamental changes last year - originally it was a natural pond clogged with mud, with sick, old trees growing around it. ‘Lesy hlavního města Prahy’ (Prague City Forests) solidified the dam and increased its size. Since the Czech Anglers Union also manages the pond, it also has a new fishing ground which the fishermen will use. The old trees were removed, and the terrain was modified, and the back of the pond was left in its natural state so water birds and other animals could continue living there. Among other things, it is one of the most valuable amphibian sites in Prague.
Where can you find the new ponds?
Lipiny – Prague 4, Modřany
◾the nearest street is Generála Šišky
◾the nearest tram stop is Poliklinika Modřany
Milíčovský rybník – Prague 4
◾the nearest street is K Milíčovu
◾ the nearest bus stop is Milíčov
Terezka – Prague 6
◾ the nearest street is Ruzyňská
◾ the nearest bus stops are Ruzyňská and Libocká

19. července 2019
19. července 2019