Mayors of the V4 capitals extended congratulations to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel

The mayors of the V4 capitals have signed an open letter to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in which they extended their congratulations to Germany's Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The Mayors have also expressed their commitment to the European Green Deal and the need for significantly increased direct green urban funding in the EU's next Multiannual Financial Framework.

The Mayor of the City of Prague, Zdeněk Hřib has added: Dear Chancellor Merkel, I would like to extend my cordial congratulations and express my great hope in constructive and fruitful cooperation during the German EU presidency. I am very pleased that the city of Prague has found strong common ground with the remaining V4 capitals regarding priorities for future development which we believe should be sustainable, green, sophisticated and ambitious. We believe that this is the right direction for the EU. We are keen to undertake a proactive approach in championing this agenda and to cooperate with the EU institutions as well as with other cities. I am happy to reassure you that Prague is a reliable partner and advocate of a liberal, progressive and green approach.

The mayors of Prague, Bratislava, Budapest and Warsaw have been cooperating closely and have released several joint initiatives centered around green, liberal and progressive values in the past year. The mayors summed up some of those initiatives in the letter to the Chancellor and declared that they are greatly encouraged by the German EU Presidency’s expressed intention to build the broadest possible coalition behind the European Green Deal, as well as its intention to support a more ambitious climate policy.

The mayors are committed to become the EU’s strategic allies in achieving climate neutrality. At the same are calling for support of their proposals for creating directly accessible green urban funds.

The proposals of the four mayors are consistent with previous efforts of EUROCITIES, the biggest European city network, as well as of the European Committee of Regions, the EU’s key advisory body to empower sub-national levels of government in the design and implementation of strategic European objectives.


15. července 2020
15. července 2020