New Year’s Day Fireworks Display in Prague City 2019

An hour before the fireworks display begins, lasers will project a countdown onto Letná hill, which will entertain spectators waiting for the display to start. The first sound effects will be blasted fifteen minutes before 6 pm, others will follow at 10, 5 and 1 minute before the start of the show.An hour before the fireworks display begins, lasers will project a countdown onto Letná hill, which will entertain spectators waiting for the display to start. The first sound effects will be blasted fifteen minutes before 6 pm, others will follow at 10, 5 and 1 minute before the start of the show.

Five themed images

The pyro-musical show will create five images which will symbolise the themes of the Revolution in 1989. They are called ‘Prayer’, ‘Bare Hands’, ‘Unity’, ‘Forbidden Fruit’ and ‘Freedom’ and with the accompanying music, they are designed to evoke memories and emotions associated with past times. The storyline follows a retrospective narrative, with a father recounting his personal experience to his ten-year-old daughter. The images will be accompanied by synchronised music including melodies by the Rolling Stones, the Beatles and the theme song of the Revolution Modlitba pro Martu, as well as other much-loved songs. The fire artists promise to create a perfect harmony between the music and the fireworks explosions, that will occur at the same time, place and angle. Various symbols will appear between the light effects, such as the number 17, reminding us of the 17th November 1989.

The best viewing locations

The firework should be highly visible from the quay Dvořákovo nábřeží, the streets Pařížská, Mánesova, Čechova, and from the bridge Štefánikův most. It should be also visible from various locations in Staré Město (The Old Town) from which Letná can be seen. The soundtrack will be heard thanks to the sound system, a powerful device which will be placed on the crossroads of the bridge Čechův most and the quay Dvořákovo nábřeží. As was the case in previous years, the synchronised music will be broadcast by Radio City at 93,7 FM.

For a better visual effect, public street lighting will be switched off, as well as the traffic lights in quays Dvořákovo nábřeží, nábřeží Edvarda Beneše, Alšovo nábřeží and Kosárkovo nábřeží. A part of the bridge lighting on Mánesův most will be switched off, along with the lights in Letenské sady. On the other hand, Pražský metronom will be especially illuminated.

Traffic information:

Commuter traffic will close on the following streets on the 1st of January 2019 from 4pm to 6:30pm:

  • Dvořákovo nábřeží from Štefánikův most to náměstí Jana Palacha

  • Edvarda Beneše from Klárov to Štefánikův most
  • bridges: Čechův most, Mánesův most, Štefánikův most, most Legií
  • street Pařížská from Bílkova ulice to nám. Curieových

Tram traffic will be stopped at 5:30pm on bridges Mánesův most and Čechův most, and on the quay on the right side of the river from Národní divadlo (The National Theatre) to náměstí Curieových).

The tram traffic on Štefánikův most and most Legií will be directed according to the situation at the time in co-operation with the Czech Police forces.

Passengers are advised not to rely on trams and to take the metro.

1. ledna 2019
1. ledna 2019