Porcelain Flowers for the Century of Czechoslovakia

Unique technique of cut printing created flowers for the republic.

Until the end of November, a unique exhibition of porcelain flowers can be seen at Topič salon.

Czech porcelain is a concept that represents over 200 years of our republic all over the world. That is why more than two-dozen artists used it and created porcelain triptychs as part of an exhibition called Flowers 2018 - The Century Story.

The author of the original idea is the academic painter Boris Nosek, who is the inventor of the technique of manual cutting. He conceived that each of the addressed colleagues would create three objects - a bud, a blooming blossom, and a lower leaf from which the flower blooms.

History in Porcelain

The themes of the individual flowers have a unifying theme: the history of the Czech state, its traditions, important personalities, but also specific and distinctive architecture, monuments, natural phenomena and other extraordinary features.

Boris Nosek, who has dedicated himself to artistic china for more than thirty years, has also inspired the personalities of our culture. He convinced the heir of Josef Lada to lend Lada's illustrations for the project. The Museum of Czech Literature contributed by the manuscripts of Alois Jirásek, Vladislav Vančura and Václav Havel. One of the triptychs is a two-portrait of Dagmar and Václav Havel.

At the exhibition, which has the support of the City of Prague, are several paintings, drawings, and graphic sheets, as well as more than hundreds of large porcelain originals.


Exhibition information

Until 30.November 2018

Topičův salon, Národní 9, Prague 1

Opening Hours:

Mon, Thu, Fri: 10:00 - 17:00

Tue, Wed: 10:00 - 18:00

Admission: 60 CZK

30. listopadu 2018
30. listopadu 2018