Prague City Hall to resume operation with increased health and safety requirements

According to the Czech Ministry of Health, regular public office hours can resume in Prague City Hall on Monday, the 20th of April. Strict health and safety requirements will be in place during City Hall's office hours, but electronic communication is still recommended whenever possible.

Prague City Hall has been operating even during the pandemic, so this decision is not a significant change for City Hall. All dealings with the public are over the counters and at a safe distance, workplaces are equipped with disinfectant andemployees with protective equipment.

Office hours for the public will go back to normal. Citizens are advised to resolve their affairs over telephone, email and post, and to limit visits to City Hall offices to the most urgent cases and appointments.

From Monday, the 20th of April, the Škoda Palace counters will be open to the public on Mondays from 12pm to 5pm and Wednesdays from 8am to 6pm. The offices for vehicle and driver registrations will resume their standard office hours.

Increased health and safety regulations will apply to Prague City Hall employees and visitors. Wearing necessary respiratory protective devices over the nose and mouth, such as respirators, face masks, scarves and bandanas is compulsory. It is always also necessary to maintain a two-metre distance between people.

The City Hall will operate in this way in order to prevent queues in the corridors and waiting areas.

20. dubna 2020
20. dubna 2020