Prague monitors the coronavirus situation

The leaders of the Integrated Rescue System and other bodies met in Prague City Hall in order to discuss and exchange information on preparations for potential occurrences of coronavirus in Prague.


“We are closely monitoring the situation regarding potential occurrences of coronavirus. Prague currently does not have any instructions to introduce higher security and hygiene measures from the City Health Station or from the Ministry of the Interior. If such instructions were issued, Prague would be ready to put measures in place, in cooperation with the Ministry and the City Health Station,” Petr Hlubuček, Deputy Mayor for Security, said.

“It is important to state that there is no reason to panic and that coronavirus does not pose any immediate threat to people in the Czech Republic. However, it is advised to follow the usual measures taken in the flu season. The basics are to take care of personal hygiene and stay away from large gatherings of people when possible. At the same time, we do not plan to close the metro or other means of public transport in the capital. All structures and bodies concerned are highly prepared; however, this is more of a preventive measure, and today’s meeting mainly served to coordinate and transfer information,” Mayor Zdeněk Hřib said.

From yesterday afternoon, passengers arriving especially on direct flights from Asia to Václav Havel Airport will receive an information leaflet for preventative reasons, instructing them what to do if they experience high temperatures, coughing, or shortness of breath. In this context, aircraft crews are also instructed to alert airport staff of passengers displaying these symptoms.

Prague City Council considers it important to inform citizens not to be subject to panic and falsehoods about the virus that may spread in Prague. All relevant information about the situation of potential occurrences of coronavirus is listed on the portal, which is continuously updated.

31. ledna 2020
31. ledna 2020