Prague Public Transport Museum is open in the winter

Since the Prague Public Transport Museum is very popular, The Prague Public Transit Co. Inc. has decided to open it to the public even in the winter months. The museum will be open every weekend until the 31st of March 2019 from 9am to 5pm. Visitors will find more than forty historic vehicles and many other exhibits here, including models, photographs, historical documents, tickets and transport plans.

“From my own experience, I know that in the winter it is sometimes hard to find suitable and interesting weekend activities for children. That's why we have decided to provide visitors of all ages a fun activity they can enjoy regardless of the weather. We believe that a visit to the Public Transport Museum will be an exceptional experience not only for fathers and grandfathers, but for whole families,” says Jan Šurovský, a Technical Director and member of the Board of Directors of Prague Public Transit Co. Inc.

In the museum, which is located in the historical tram depot building in Prague's Střešovice district, visitors can see a unique collection of exhibits from the history of the city’s public transport. The permanent exhibition has been open since 1993 and it offers a unique experience. The depot was declared a technical heritage building in 1991. It was originally built in 1909 and is a typical example of The Electrical Companies of the Royal Capital City of Prague’s purpose-built transport facilities from the early days of Prague’s public transport. It was in use until 1992, when it was refurbished into a museum.

Apart from vehicles, visitors to the museum can also look forward to seeing copies of historical documents, unique photos, plans, tickets, and videos with unique film materials from the National Film Archive’s collections. The City of Prague Museum has loaned a set of models of other historic Prague public transport vehicles, (which did not survive to the present time) to the Prague Public Transport Museum for the duration of the exhibition.

For more information, please visit

17. února 2019
17. února 2019