Prague will host international pole vault hall meeting

One of the most attractive athletic disciplines - the pole vault - will be presented at the international hall meeting Zimní Pražská tyčka on the 9th of February in Strahov. Zimní Pražská tyčka has been held yearly since 1996 and is a sister competition to the international athletics meeting Pražská tyčka. Of course, the best Czech athletes always take part in both meetings.

How to pole vault?

Pole vaulting is an athletic discipline, with the goal of jumping over a horizontal bar with the help of a long pole. After a running start, the athlete plants the pole into the vault box. The pole bends and launches the athlete into the air and over the bar, which the athlete has to jump over without knocking it down. Then they fall onto a soft pad. The athletes have three attempts, but after the first failed attempt, the athletes can save the other jumps for the next height, but they will only have two more attempts.

A brief history

Where does the history of this sport come from? Pole vaulting was practiced in the ancient world. In the past, it was also used in everyday life. The ancient Cretans used poles to somersault onto bulls’ backs, the ancient nomads vaulted onto horses and the ancient Celts started to use the pole for long jumps.

The first preserved results from competitions date from March 23, 1866, when John Wheler in London jumped 305 cm. At that time, climbing and moving from hand to hand on the pole was allowed, which was mainly used by the Japanese.

The pole-vaulting revolution came in 1889, when the first rules of pole vaulting were issued. Climbing poles was one of the practices that were banned. At the time, athletes had wooden sticks which were about 4 metres long and ended with a metal spike, and weighed approximately 7 kg.

Modern hall

Today, athletes have a choice - the bars are made from carbon-fibre or laminate and the length and weight of the poles varies. And of course, the results are also far from the past. You can see for yourself on the 9th of February in Strahov.

Zimní Pražská tyčka is held in the hall of the Czech Athletic Union, which was completely renovated few years ago with a financial contribution from Prague City Hall. Come to witness the meeting and find out who will be the winner this year. Surely it will be a high-quality athletic show.



12:00 noon: opening – Junior pole vault

3 pm: Women’s pole vault

5 pm: Men’s pole vault


For more information, please visit 


Zimní Pražská tyčka


Přetlaková hala Strahov (Air sport dome in Strahov)

Vaníčkova 1230/44, Prague 6 - Břevnov


Free Admission

30. ledna 2019
30. ledna 2019