Signal Festival illuminates Prague

From the 10th to the 13th of October, 18 light installations - 9 from Czech and 9 from aboard - will be displayed as part of the 7th Signal Festival. Discover the routes of these installations leading through 'Malá Strana' (the Lesser Town), 'Staré Město' (the Old Town) and Karlín.

During its six-year history, Signal Festival, the festival of digital and creative culture, has attracted more than 2.5 million people to Prague. The festival uniquely combines visually attractive works and complex installations of international quality, all in public spaces.


International artists in Prague

This year, foreign artists participating in the festival include the Italian studio fuse*, music and art team Giegling from Germany, and designer and roboticist Parker Heyl from the USA.

Memo Akten from Turkey, whose works were exhibited in prestigious museums, such as the Victoria & Albert Museum, the Barbican Centre, and the Grand Palais, will also take part in the festival. His installation ‘Simple Harmonic Motion’ can be seen in the Czech Museum of Music.


Czech artists

The Czech Republic will be represented by sculptor and visual artist Pavel Korbička, designer and artist Klára Horáčková, and Czech-Argentinean artist Federico Díaz, who is working with other artists under the name Big Light.

Pavel Korbička, an associate professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts at Brno University of Technology, prepared an installation called ‘God’s Mills’ (‘Boží mlýny’), where three rays in the Czech national colours will be lit from the three Karlín factory chimneys.


Eva Jiřičná - The festival’s main star

Eva Jiřičná, a London based Czech architect, is probably the biggest star of this year’s festival. Her installation ‘And What If It Was True’ (‘A co kdyby to byla pravda’) will not only be a visual experience, but also a place where everyone will have the opportunity to examine their own conscience. The mysterious glowing meteorite will be part of the Lesser Town Route.

This year’s Signal Festival will also commemorate the anniversary of the Velvet Revolution. This will also be reflected in Eva Jiřičná’s installation, with humour that is typical of her work. She says: “We were thinking about what the revolution means for us. Mostly, this word is associated in our minds with a drastic coup, and that is why we decided to show in Vojanovy Sady that it does not have to be so, and that the future can be peaceful. Therefore, we have prepared a sort of a fairy tale for Signal Festival and its visitors.”


Gallery zone

Eva Jiřičná’s unique installation will be part of the paid Gallery Zone of the festival, which includes 6 locations this year: Vojan Gardens, the Czech Museum of Music on the Lesser Town Route, Mirror Chapel of Klementinum, the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic in the Old Town, Kooperativa Gallery, and Invalidovna in Karlín.

10. října 2019
10. října 2019