Visit Prague City Gallery exhibitions online

Art institutions, including Prague City Gallery, are adapting to the new situation and restrictions. The gallery is keeping in touch with its visitors online.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Prague City Gallery closed its exhibition spaces, including the reading room with specialised literature and magazines in Villa Bílek. All accompanying programmes were also cancelled. However, the gallery is making the best of the situation and remains somewhat active by showing the exhibitions online.


‘What I like’ by Bedřich Dlouhý

Although Bedřich Dlouhý’s exhibition, ‘Moje gusto’ (‘What I like’), was extended due to great interest, it is now closed. Nevertheless, comprehensive documentation of the exhibition is now available online.


‘Devětsil’ exhibition and upcoming projects

On the Prague City Gallery Facebook page, you can also see the full photo report for the ‘Devětsil’ exhibition. The gallery can continue operating in this manner for its other projects as well. Online visitors will also be able to watch virtual guided tours of the exhibition with the artists.


“We will also publish records of successful accompanying programmes and other materials on social networks to at least partially make up to our visitors for the missed opportunity to visit exhibitions that are closed due to the current situation”, Magdalena Juříková, the director of Prague City Gallery Prague, said.

23. března 2020
23. března 2020