Be2Can film festival focuses on children’s issues this year

The 6th annual Be2Can film festival will take place in Prague from the 2nd to the 8th of October. The festival will feature award winning films from the three most prestigious film festivals: the Berlin International Film Festival, Cannes Film Festival and the Venice Film Festival, along with many other excellent movies.

Be2Can always aims to open up discussions on serious topics and current social issues. This year, the festival will once again offer provocative new films, legendary movies, and the latest contemporary art house films.

Childhood issues

One of the festival’s main topics is difficulties with children. One of the movies that deal with the subject is ‘Young Ahmed’ by the Dardenne brothers. ‘System Crasher’, Nora Fingscheidt’s film, also treats the subject of children with issues, following the story of Benni, a wild nine-year-old girl who does not fit into the structure of the German social services and reacts with fury every time someone gets in her way.

The Chinese saga ‘So Long, My Son’ directed by Wang Xiaoshuai, explores the subject of the lasting damage done by China’s one-child policy, and the tragedy of parents coping with the loss of their only child, their troubles with adoption, and the struggle of the child involved in their son’s death. Both leading actors, Jingchun Wang and Yong Mei, were awarded Silver Bears at this year’s Berlinale.


Paris rebels again

The modern ‘Les Misérables’ by French director Ladj Ly is probably the strongest film on this year’s festival programme. The film also deals with the topic of problematic children and youth. It is set in the Paris suburbs during the 2005 riots. The story takes place in the contemporary Montfermeil – the same place where Victor Hugo’s famous Misérables rose up. Ladj Ly’s phenomenal debut deservedly won the Jury Prize at this year's Cannes festival.


Latest Czech drama

Festival goers will also have the opportunity to see the Czech director Václav Marhoul’s latest film. ‘The Painted Bird’ is a deeply dramatic story about the immediate relationship between horror and atrocity on one hand, and innocence and love on the other hand.


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4. října 2019
4. října 2019