Biggest international floorball tournament comes to Prague

The international floorball tournament Czech Open 2019 will take place in thirteen halls across Prague from the 8th to the 11th of August. The tournament is not only for elite world teams, but also for amateur and junior teams. The 28th international floorball tournament is considered one of the largest and most prestigious in the world. The biggest stars regularly come to Prague for this event.

This year, 228 teams from 17 countries are taking part, and almost 110 judges will oversee the event. The tournament is taking place with the support of the mayor of Prague, Zdeněk Hřib.



Both men’s and women’s teams will compete in several categories. The U21 category for players under the age of 21 is new this year.


Best teams

You can look forward to the Falun from Sweden – the winners of last year's Czech Open; the Swedish Pixbo, which is usually one of the best teams in both the male and female categories; the famous Swiss club, Wiler Ersigen; and Mladá Boleslav, Czech vice-champion, where many players from the Czech national team play. The Latvian team Lekrings will play in the elite men’s category.



Pixbo is the favourite in the women's elite group. However, the four other Swedish teams will also be dangerous competition, as well as Vítkovice, the Czech champion in the highest women's league. For Czech players, the tournament will be preparation for the Champions Cup.

The woman’s open category will involve 48 teams, including the Singaporean national team.



The tournament will conclude on Sunday the 11th of August, in Arena Sparta Podvinný mlýn, where all the finals will take place, including the decisive match for the men’s elite category.


For further information, please visit:

5. srpna 2019
5. srpna 2019