Celebrating trees on Arbor Day

Arbor Day is celebrated at various times of year all over the globe, depending on the climate in different countries. In the Czech Republic, Arbor Day is celebrated annually on the 20th of October.,

The City of Prague prioritises restoring forests and planting trees on former agricultural land, as part of an effort to protect the landscape and improve the environment in the city. Trees not only produce oxygen and contribute to the refreshment of the air, but also retain water in the landscape, trap dust and various pollutants, provide shade and homes to thousands of animal species, reduce noise, and they are an essential part of pleasant city life.

The City of Prague planted 358,000 trees throughout the city, in forests and parks, and along the streets last year. Another 107,000 were planted this spring, and 130,000 more are to be planted this autumn. The city not only renews existing forests and parks, but also newly afforests agricultural land soil.

The city replaces spruce trees that are diseased or infested with bark beetles, pines that are suffering from drought and non-indigenous black locusts. Sessile oak, beech and small-leaved lindens are among the newly planted trees.

22. října 2020
22. října 2020