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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 17000
Summer concerts in Riegrovy sady
15.7.2020 — Popular music concerts will take place in Riegrovy sady until mid-August. Instead of selling out stadiums, popular bands will bring a magical atmosphere to one of Prague's popular beer-gardens, making your summer nights in Prague unforgettable with a series of open-air concerts.
Tour Prague on a culture tram
15.6.2020 — A special 'culture tram' has begun touring Prague city. From the outside, the tram serves as a moving decoration for the streets of Prague, where it will ride through all year round; inside, it promotes various cultural events taking place in Prague. From time to time, events will also take place on the tram, which will be used as a mobile stage for concerts and theatre performances, or simply as a reading place. "Cultural life is finally slowly awakening after coronavirus. I am pleased that we can arrange cultural activities in this innovative way for the people of Prague too", Hana Třeštíková, Prague City Councillor for Culture and Tourism, said.
Emergency measures related to coronavirus
11.3.2020 —
Rada rozdělila dary od provozovatelů sázkových her
22.7.2003 — Městská rada schválila příspěvkové organizaci Centrum léčebné rehabilitace zvýšení neinvestičního příspěvku o 100 tis. Kč. Peníze pocházejí z daru od provozovatele sázkových her Czech Casinos a.s. a organizace je může použít na provozní náklady. Konkrétně je chce využít na zprovoznění Internetu a e-mailu v organizaci a v souvislosti s tím je potřeba provést také úpravu telefonní ústředny a kabelových rozvodů. A zbytek bude použit na plánovanou rekonstrukci topení a vody.
LUSTR 2020 showcase of original illustration and comics
16.9.2020 — LUSTR 2020, the 7th annual international illustration showcase, will take place between the 17th and the 22nd of September. This year, LUSTR Prague will also include comics for the first time. More than 40 participants from all over the world will exhibit in Campus Hybernská, and the programme will also include lectures, workshops, a festival shop, refreshments, music and a programme for children.
Informace o dopravních opatřeních v rámci akce Czech Bigman Festival 2014
2.7.2014 — V sobotu 5. července 2014 se bude v Praze konat 8. ročník tradičního mezinárodního závodu v dlouhém triatlonu v rámci akce „Czech Bigman Festival 2014“, který je zařazen mezi nejprestižnější závody světové série. Cyklistická část tohoto závodu proběhne na Strakonické ulici, běžecká část povede po komunikacích nižších tříd v okolí Malé Chuchle, částečně i na cyklotrase A 1.
Premium canoe slalom race in Prague
31.7.2019 — The ICF World Ranking Race will take place in Prague Troja on the 3rd and 4th of August. In addition to the many successful athletes who will be taking part, you can also look forward to a rich accompanying programme. The ICF World Ranking Race returns to Prague after a very successful first year, and Prague Troja will host the world-class slalom races once again.
Prague celebrates St. Patrick's Feast Day in style
16.3.2019 — Prague is preparing for greater St. Patrick's Day celebrations than ever before. The main attraction will be the festive parade on Sunday the 17th of March, which begins and ends in Campus Hybernská, where the other main celebrations will be held. According to the legend, Saint Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland, converted the people of Ireland to Christianity in the fifth century.
Style Evenings in New Town Hall
14.4.2019 — The Harmonia Praga Chamber Orchestra has organised the sixth annual series of concerts, called Style Evenings, in the 'Novoměstská radnice' (New Town Hall).
Organ players from all around the world are heading to Basilica of St. James the Greater
26.8.2019 — The largest organ in Prague is in the Basilica of St. James the Greater ('Bazilika svatého Jakuba Většího'). This church will be filled with the beautiful sounds of this great instrument during the 24th International Organ Festival.
Cyklistický závod L´Etape Czech Republic by Tour de France si v sobotu vyžádá dopravní omezení
13.6.2024 — Čtvrtý ročník závodu amatérů na silničních kolech L´Etape Czech Republic by Tour de France se letos uskuteční v sobotu 15. června 2024.
Mimo auditu také poradenské služby
4.12.2001 —