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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 17869
18.10.2013 —
American Spring music festival online
10.5.2020 — The jubilee 15th American Spring International Music Festival ('Americké jaro') will take place with an online programme. If you can't come to the festival, the festival will come to you! Enjoy a variety of concerts in your pyjamas and with a glass of wine in the comfort of your home on the 11th, 14th and 19th of May. The festival will start online and continue live in the autumn.
Ferry Vyšehrad
17.7.2020 — 'Náplavky', meaning riverbanks, have become popular venues for various events and markets in Prague. Now, travelling between Smíchovská náplavka by Hořejší Embankment and Náplavka by Rašínovo Embankment will be quicker and easier thanks to a new regular ferry connecting them.
The traditional Street Food Festival is coming soon
14.4.2019 — Winter has passed, spring is in the air, and the streets are waking up. On Sunday, the 14th of April 2019, the next season of Street Food Festival begins at the Cross Club in Holešovice.
Soup festival on Vltava riverbank
6.3.2020 — Soups from all over the world can be tasted during this year's annual popular Polívkování festival, which will take place on the 7th of March on the Vltava riverbank ('Náplavka' in Czech) in Smíchov, Prague. Come and enjoy all-time favourites and try out lesser-known soup recipes from all over the world.
Akcent International Theatre Festival
25.11.2019 — Akcent International Theatre Festival, organised by Archa Theatre, is on until the 2nd of December. Theatre installations, interactive scenic events and productions of documentary theatre are all on the festival's programme. Archa Theatre has been organising the international documentary theatre festival Akcent since 2010. Their aim is to create a platform for art that crosses the boundaries between art, social issues and politics.
Lidé v karanténě a v izolaci mohou volit na drive-in místech nebo z domova
17.9.2020 — Ve dnech 2. a 3. října a v případě druhého kola ve dnech 9. a 10. října 2020 se v hlavním městě Praze uskuteční ve třech volebních obvodech volby do Senátu Parlamentu České republiky. Tyto volby podle zákona standardně řeší jednotlivé městské části. Na základě v srpnu schváleného zákona připadlo Magistrátu hlavního města Prahy řešení a organizace voleb pro osoby v nařízené karanténě a izolaci. Ty budou moci hlasovat u drive-in volebního stanoviště nebo doma do zvláštní přenosné volební schránky. Pro hlasování v domácnosti musí volič podat telefonickou žádost nejpozději do dvacáté hodiny dne před prvním dnem voleb, tedy do čtvrtečního večera. Čísla telefonních linek, na kterých bude možné podávat žádosti, zveřejní magistrát v úterý 22. září. Zákonná lhůta na zveřejnění telefonické linky je shodná s dobou karantény, tedy deset dní před volbami.
Closure of museums and galleries in Prague
13.3.2020 — Due to the exceptional measures regarding the coronavirus COVID-19, some cultural institutions such as museums, galleries and historical monuments in Prague are closed until further notice.
New Year’s Day Fireworks Display in Prague City 2019
1.1.2019 — An hour before the fireworks display begins, lasers will project a countdown onto Letná hill, which will entertain spectators waiting for the display to start. The first sound effects will be blasted fifteen minutes before 6 pm, others will follow at 10, 5 and 1 minute before the start of the show.An hour before the fireworks display begins, lasers will project a countdown onto Letná hill, which will entertain spectators waiting for the display to start. The first sound effects will be blasted fifteen minutes before 6 pm, others will follow at 10, 5 and 1 minute before the start of the show.
New Year’s Day Fireworks Display in Prague City 2019
1.1.2019 — An hour before the fireworks display begins, lasers will project a countdown onto Letná hill, which will entertain spectators waiting for the display to start. The first sound effects will be blasted fifteen minutes before 6 pm, others will follow at 10, 5 and 1 minute before the start of the show.An hour before the fireworks display begins, lasers will project a countdown onto Letná hill, which will entertain spectators waiting for the display to start. The first sound effects will be blasted fifteen minutes before 6 pm, others will follow at 10, 5 and 1 minute before the start of the show.
Czech Technical University and Czech Academy of Sciences develop new half mask
15.4.2020 — The Czech Technical University in Prague and the Czech Academy of Sciences have developed and tested a new protective respirator half mask in Prague. It fits better than FFP2 respirators, which are imported from Asia and are less effective in Europe due to their different shape.