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Celkem záznamů: 5263
Cesta k evropským dotacím pro pražské školství je připravena, Praha má Krajský akční plán vzdělávání

9.11.2016 — Pražští radní včera odsouhlasili znění Krajského akčního plánu vzdělávání (KAP), tedy klíčového dokumentu, jehož přijetí je podmínkou pro čerpání prostředků z evropských fondů. Definitivně o něm bude rozhodovat na konci listopadu pražské zastupitelstvo. Uvedla to radní hlavního města Prahy pro oblast školství a evropské fondy Irena Ropková.

Tlak necítím, nikomu nic nedlužím

5.2.2019 — Zdroj: Lidové noviny - Praha +3 další | Deník | Strana: 4 Kategorie: Zprávy / Politika Vydavatel: MAFRA, a.s. Autor: Ondřej Koutník Rubrika: Domov 5. února 2019

Eva Vorlíčková ke kauze Opencard: Dostali jsme kmotrovskou výstrahu!

11.4.2013 — ceskapozice.cz | 11.4.2013 | Rubrika: Právo a bezpečnost | Strana: 0 | Autor: Ondřej Koutník | Téma: Volené orgány - Rada - Eva Vorlíčková

Bezplatná poradna pro podnikatele

17.3.2021 — 17. 3. 2021, Český rozhlas

Swiss DJ returns to Roxy Dance Club

17.8.2020 — On the night of the 21st of August, Nora En Pure, a talented DJ, will show her mixing skills at the Roxy Music Club. The artist regularly returns to the Czech capital and Prague audiences love her. Nora En Pure was born as Daniela Di Lillo in Johannesburg in 1990, to South African-Swiss parents. She grew up in Zurich, where she learnt to play various instruments from a young age. Nora and electronic music

Experience the countryside in the heart of Prague

4.10.2019 — On the 5th of October, Prague Botanical Garden will host 'Slamák' festival, where you can 'experience the countryside in Prague'. Come to enjoy country life, have fun, relax and eat food fresh from the farm, all in a relaxed atmosphere.

Dance festival KoresponDance 2019 starts in Prague

23.6.2019 — Most of the international contemporary dance festival KoresponDance will take place at the Castle in Žďár nad Sázavou, but the opening event will be in Prague. On the 25th of June, dancers will entertain the audience with three performances at the historical building of Invalidovna in Prague. One of the highlights of the evening will be a solo performance by James Batchelor, one of Australia's most amazing dance artists.

The art of calligraphy in the Gallery of Art Critics

21.7.2020 — The Gallery of Art Critics in Prague is holding an exhibition called 'Czech Calligraphy IROHA / HATAI' (in Czech 'Česká kaligrafie IROHA / HATAI') to celebrate 100 years of diplomatic relations and cultural cooperation between the Czech Republic and Japan.

Coach Transport

21.6.2008 — Coaches connect the Capital City not only with other individual parts of the city but also with the whole of Europe. Regular coach routes travel to all the important locations both within and outside the EU. The most important coach station is Florenc Central Coach Station, located in the very heart of the city.

Ferry Vyšehrad

17.7.2020 — 'Náplavky', meaning riverbanks, have become popular venues for various events and markets in Prague. Now, travelling between Smíchovská náplavka by Hořejší Embankment and Náplavka by Rašínovo Embankment will be quicker and easier thanks to a new regular ferry connecting them.

Cosmos Discovery exhibition brings you on a space adventure

23.5.2020 — The spectacular Cosmos Discovery exhibition in Křižík's Pavilion E at the Prague Exhibition Grounds ('Výstaviště Praha') in Holešovice district in Prague 7 will guide you through the history of manned trips to space from their very beginnings to current and planned missions. You will not only experience the astronauts' feelings, but also how the ground staff felt.