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Dance season on Střelecký Island is here!

29.6.2020 — Střelecký Island ('Střelecký ostrov' or simply 'Střelák' to the locals) in the heart of Prague not only offers scenic views of Charles Bridge and Prague Castle, and romantic walks in the shade of mature trees, but has also become a place for free outdoor public dancing in recent years. Many dance programmes and workshops take place on a pontoon that has been anchored to the island for several years, offering an additional stage and dance floor. Dancing is a pleasant social activity, as well as a manifestation of emotions. It is an art form, which brings the pleasure of moving to music to everyone, both spectators and dancers, whether they dance alone, in pairs or in groups.

30.8. Prague Harley Days 2017

30.8.2017 — The first weekend in September, Prague will become a place for fans of Harley-Davidson's powerful machines. The main program will take place at Výstaviště in Holešovice. There is also a traditional Biker's Parade through the city center.

Veřejná slyšení k žádostem o granty v roce 2008

24.7.2008 — Pozvánka na harmonogram

Veřejná slyšení k žádostem o granty v roce 2008

24.7.2008 — Pozvánka na harmonogram

Páternoster na Nové radnici je zpřístupněn v rámci nového turistického okruhu

31.5.2024 — Magistrát hl. m. Prahy společně s destinační organizací města Prague City Tourism spouští od 1. června 2024 novou komentovanou trasu nazvanou Nová radnice – páternoster tour.

Prague under the spell of Christmas markets

17.12.2018 — The season of Advent, the four weeks leading into Christmas, is the time of Christmas markets where people are purchasing gifts for their loved ones and absorbing the Christmas atmosphere. Where will you find them in Prague? Traditionally, the largest two markets are in Staroměstské náměstí (Old Town Square) and Václavské náměstí (Wenceslas Square). This year's theme of the markets is fairy tales. The fairy tale motifs can be seen in the decorations. The daily performances on the stage in the Old Town Square is in line with the fairy tales theme. They will continue right through until the 6th of January 2019.

Environmental education and awareness (EEA) in the City of Prague

21.6.2007 — the text based on the chapter Environmental education and awareness (EEA) in the City of Prague published in yearbooks Prague Environment 2006

Matrock s.r.o.

27.4.2009 —

Discover Prague through Michael W. Pospíšil’s photographs

8.6.2020 — L'Institut français de Prague (French Institute of Prague) is holding an exhibition called 'Prague etc...' by Czech-French photographer Michael W. Pospíšil until the 4th of July. The exhibition is held at Gallery 35 on Štěpánská Street, part of the French Institute which supports connection between French and Czech art.

Startuje nová sezóna historických tramvajových linek 41, 42 a autobusové retro linky K

22.3.2024 — Od soboty 23. března 2024 Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy (DPP) zahájí provoz historické tramvajové linky 41 a autobusové linky K. Obě budou v provozu o víkendech a státních svátcích do 17. listopadu 2024. Od stejného data, od soboty 23. března 2024 bude historická tramvajová linka 42, kterou společně provozují DPP a Prague City Tourism (PCT), opět jezdit každý den. Zájem turistů o ni roste. Za prvních 11 víkendů letošního roku na ní DPP a PCT prodaly dohromady téměř o 25 % více jízdenek než ve stejném období loňského roku.

Celebration of the State Day

13.10.2017 — Customary celebrations of the Independent Czechoslovak State Day include, for example, the appointment of generals by the president, the participation of the Head of State during the Castle Guard oath or awarding of State Honors in the Vladislav Hall at Prague Castle. Significant buildings that are otherwise inaccessible will be open to the public.