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Radní Prahy o kauze Petra Hlubučka

20.6.2022 — 20. 6. 2022, Televize, ČT24 - další pořady, ČT24, ČESKÁ TELEVIZE, Zdeněk Hřib

Libeňský most je důkazem, že musíme opravovat

7.4.2018 — Zdroj: Pražský deník | Deník | Strana: 7 Kategorie: Regionální zprávy Vydavatel: Vltava Labe Media, a.s. 7. dubna 2018

Byl jsem nešťastný celé dva roky, říká ke kauze kolem Hlubučka Adam Scheinherr

16.6.2022 — 16. 6. 2022, Online, prazsky.denik.cz, VLTAVA LABE MEDIA a.s., Adam Scheinherr

Petra Kolínská: Nová čtvrť mezi Karlínem a Libní je příležitostí ukázat, že lze stavět i uprostřed města.

5.7.2018 — Zdroj: blog.aktualne.cz | Kategorie: Blogy Vydavatel: ECONOMIA, a.s. Autor: Petra Kolínská Rubrika: Weblog 5. července 2018, 9:21

Radní Prahy o kauze Petra Hlubučka

20.6.2022 — 20. 6. 2022, Televize, ČT24 - další pořady, ČT24, ČESKÁ TELEVIZE, Adam Scheinherr

New season of summer cinema in Prague

30.6.2019 — After the winter break, the new season of summer cinema has begun again. Open-air cinemas in Prague traditionally attract visitors every year from the beginning of June until the end of September. And the programme of films on offer is truly varied, including blockbusters and award-winning films, and less well-known films. So where can you enjoy screenings under the stars?

Baroque Bastion XXXI offers great views and art

23.3.2020 — Founded in 1348 by Emperor Charles IV, Bastion XXXI forms part of the New Town of Prague's medieval walls. It not only offers visitors magnificent views of the Vyšehrad skyline, the Vltava waterfront, and many other historical buildings, but outdoor exhibitions are also regularly held there.

The exhibition of nativity scenes at the Museum of Charles Bridge accompanies the story of a Christmas tree

12.12.2018 — Prague's nativity scenes flooded Prague this year. You can admire them, for example, in the Charles Bridge Museum. Not only will you see the Holy Family in a straw-like form and life-size, there is also a unique Czech one - a fish nativity scene written in the Czech Book of Records or an African nativity scene from ebony wood. And this year, the museum also focused on the history of the Christmas tree.

The exhibition of nativity scenes at the Museum of Charles Bridge accompanies the story of a Christmas tree

12.12.2018 — Prague's nativity scenes flooded Prague this year. You can admire them, for example, in the Charles Bridge Museum. Not only will you see the Holy Family in a straw-like form and life-size, there is also a unique Czech one - a fish nativity scene written in the Czech Book of Records or an African nativity scene from ebony wood. And this year, the museum also focused on the history of the Christmas tree.

TSK announced public contracts for the restoration of Prague´s Libeň bridge

27.10.2020 — Technická správa komunikací hl. m. Prahy (TSK) announced two public contracts for the restoration of Prague's Libeň Bridge, management of the construction and coordination of the entire project. The aim of the first contract is to select a supplier of the construction works and related design and engineering services. The selection process will be carried out in accordance with the FIDIC - Yellow Book conditions (Design & Build project type). The second public contract aims to find a suitable construction manager and project coordinator.

Pražské studánky - Na Belvedéru

20.1.2010 — Další z aktualizovaných popisů v rámci vytvářené internetové aplikace Pražské studánky.