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Celkem záznamů: 21122

26.6.2008 — zpet2.gif drivejsi/adrivejsi.htm Overview of other, formerly adopted conceptual documents related to issues of environmental protection The Town Plan of the City of Prague The...


22.3.2024 — Chemnitz 2025 European Capital of Culture - C THE UNSEEN - The biggest cultural project of the EU since 1985 more than 70 cities in total 2025 40th...

příloha č. 1 k zápisu z jednání Komise Rady hl. m. Prahy pro oblast cestovního ruchu ze dne 12. 3. 2024

20.3.2024 — Chemnitz 2025 European Capital of Culture - C THE UNSEEN - The biggest cultural project of the EU since 1985 more than 70 cities in total 2025 40th...


22.8.2008 — PUBLIC TRANSPORT People and visitors of Prague can tour Prague using the extensive public transport network. The major city transport provider in Prague is the Prague Public Transport Company...