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Celkem záznamů: 7841
The beauty of Antarctica at the New City Hall exhibition

25.7.2019 — Until the end of August, the exhibition Pure Antarctica (Čistá Antarktida) is taking place on the ground floor of the New City Hall on Mariánské Square.


26.5.2022 — Statistics 2023 (actualized data 08.02.2024)

Grants 2024

23.10.2023 — PROGRAMME SUBSIDIES FOR 2024 BY PRAGUE CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION No. 2244 OF 16 OCTOBER 2023, THE CITY OF PRAGUE HAS ANNOUNCED CITY OF PRAGUE SUBSIDIES FOR THE "TOURISM SUPPORT PROGRAMME FOR 2024" The subsidies are intended for supporting congresses, conferences and other events held within the City of Prague in the period from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024.