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Vyhledané záznamy
Celkem záznamů: 17869
The Battle of White Mountain to be re-enacted at Vypich
18.9.2020 — On the 19th and the 20th of September, a spectacular re-enactment of the Battle of White Mountain (Bitva na Bílé hoře), which was fought 400 years ago, will take place in Prague 6, along with an accompanying programme and a historic market. Hundreds of enthusiasts from all over Europe will take part in the event introducing a dramatic episode of Czech history. The reconstruction of the battle, which was a turning point for the Czech lands, is organised by the Bílá hora 1620 association. The re-enactment, which is one of the largest events of its kind in Europe, aims for the highest level of authenticity possible.
Na výstavišti v Holešovicích vzniklo nové drive-in odběrové místo
6.10.2020 — Od úterý 6. října je pro veřejnost v provozu nové odběrové místo pro vyšetření na onemocnění COVID-19 na Výstavišti Praha v Holešovicích. Testování se bude konat pouze v režimu drive-in, kdy vzorek bude odebrán přímo z okénka vozu. Testovat se bude na základě objednávkového systému a mohou jej využít jak lidé s elektronickou žádankou, tak i samoplátci. Drive-in místo má navíc výhodu v tom, že je zde téměř nulový kontakt mezi testovanými.
Petschek Villa reveals its secrets
29.9.2019 — The American Center in Prague will host an exhibition called 'Villa Petschek Story' until the 8th of October, which narrates the story of the villa that has served as the United States Ambassadors' palatial residence since the year 1945. A photographic tour of the representative halls, which are usually closed to the public, and unique images from the building of the villa are included in the exhibition.
Masaryk Station
10.4.2012 —
Development Plan
18.6.2009 —
Kinský Garden (Zahrada Kinských)
14.9.2005 — nová úprava
Newly updated mobile application PID Lítačka makes travelling easier
9.12.2019 — Passengers in Prague and in the Central Bohemian Region can now travel using just their mobile phone within Prague Integrated Transport, thanks to the new update of PID Lítačka mobile application, which was released on trial operation since Monday, the 2nd of December 2019. This application now allows passengers to convert their purchased long-term coupons and download them to the mobile application.
7.1.2010 — MUDr. Pavel Bém’s Responsibilities as the Mayor of Prague
Have a picnic at Prague Exhibition Grounds
17.5.2020 —
Surface water
27.6.2007 — The text below is based on the chapter Surface water published in yearbook Prague Environment 2006
Prague City Gallery: introducing young artists
30.4.2019 — Prague City Gallery has prepared yet another exhibition as part of the 'Start up' series, which is a great opportunity for younger generations of Czech visual artists.
Changes to The Prague Planetarium
3.1.2019 — Štefánikova hvězdárna (The Štefánik Observatory), Planetárium Praha (The Prague Planetarium) and Hvězdárna Ďáblice (The Ďáblice Observatory) have a new platform. They no longer need to be individually searched for under long and confusing names, as was the case in the past. Now, you can find them under one name: Planetum, with a single webpage and a unified presentation.
Changes to The Prague Planetarium
30.12.2018 — Štefánikova hvězdárna (The Štefánik Observatory), Planetárium Praha (The Prague Planetarium) and Hvězdárna Ďáblice (The Ďáblice Observatory) have a new platform. They no longer need to be individually searched for under long and confusing names, as was the case in the past. Now, you can find them under one name: Planetum, with a single webpage and a unified presentation.
Liechtenstein Palace, Prague’s Classicist gem, opens to visitors
23.7.2020 — The palaces in Prague are opening after the coronavirus closure. The Government of the Czech Republic will open the unique Liechtenstein Palace on Kampa Island to the public on Saturday the 25th of July.
Experience Prague Zoo with all your senses
15.11.2019 — On Sunday, the 17th of November, Prague Zoo will present an exhibition for people with sight loss, as well as for others to understand what it's like to perceive a zoo with senses other than sight.
Enjoy a fairy-tale weekend at Chvaly Chateau
15.8.2019 — From the 16th to the 18th of August, a fairy-tale weekend will take place at Chvaly Chateau in Horní Počernice.
Sabine Reinfeld: obsessive and imaginable objects
30.9.2020 — As part of the 10th year of the Fotograf Festival, The Josef Sudek Studio in the Lesser Town of Prague is hosting an exhibition by the German photographer Sabine Reinfeld entitled 'Imaginable I, Obsessive Objects X Obsessive I, Imaginable Objects'. The exhibition takes place until the 11th of October. The aim of the tenth Fotograf Festival is to give space to works that create or address an encounter with the other and to resurrect the function that can be attributed in this way to documentary photography and motion picture.
Outdoor exhibition of selected photos from the Czech Nature Photo competition
4.10.2020 — Visitors to the Ekocetrum Prales (meaning 'rainforest') in the Kbely district of Prague can admire an outdoor exhibition of selected photographs from this year's Czech Nature Photo competition until the end of October. 'Lesy hl. m. Prahy' (Prague City Forests) became one of the partners of the competition this year and the pictures have already been exhibited in the Wild Garden Hostivař.
Prague City Hall to resume operation with increased health and safety requirements
20.4.2020 — According to the Czech Ministry of Health, regular public office hours can resume in Prague City Hall on Monday, the 20th of April. Strict health and safety requirements will be in place during City Hall's office hours, but electronic communication is still recommended whenever possible.
Volba prezidenta republiky 2023
22.12.2022 —
Prague public transport introduces holiday timetables
20.3.2020 — Due to emergency measures regarding the spread of the coronavirus Covid-19, the number of passengers using public transport in Prague is declining.
03232003 - Zahájení schůzky k Deklaraci
13.6.2003 —
Sustainability indicators of the City of Prague
20.5.2005 —
Exhibitions at the Prague Castle to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Czechoslovakia
8.1.2018 — This year, we commemorate the 100th anniversary from the declaration of the Czechoslovakia. It will also be remembered by five exhibitions under the common title: Founded in 1918, prepared by the Prague Castle Administration.
The opening of the summer tourist season at Prague Castle
8.5.2019 — On Saturday, the 11th of May, Prague Castle will officially open the summer tourist season. The seat of the Czech heads of state is on this day open to visitors completely for free. Apart from the opening of the summer season, the 100th anniversary of the Office of the President of the Republic will also be celebrated.
Bio-waste of plant origin
20.10.2019 — Prague plans to expand the collection of plant-based bio-waste. Citizens who recycle bio-waste will save money. Bio-waste of plant origin currently accounts for up to 40% of mixed municipal waste in the Czech metropolis.
222st Anniversary of the National Gallery – free admission
1.2.2018 — The National Gallery in Prague celebrates 222st anniversary of its establishment on February 3-4. On these days, admission to all permanent exhibitions of the National Gallery in Prague is free.
Other means of financial support
17.12.2012 —
Dear Praguers,
11.3.2013 — Are you wondering how to celebrate Easter in the city? Here are some tips for events:
Prague will host wind orchestras from all over Europe
12.2.2019 — On the 15th and 16th of February 2019, the 21st annual of 'The International Festival of Wind Orchestras Prague' will take place in our capital.
Firework's national colours to mark Czechoslovak centenary
28.12.2017 — The annual New Year's Day firework in Prague will be held in the Czech national colours to mark the upcoming 100th anniversary of the birth of Czechoslovakia and it will be closed with the national anthem.
Foreign Relations of Capital City Prague
22.10.2019 —
Praha zveřejnila telefonní čísla pro hlasování doma do přenosné volební schránky
23.9.2020 — Ve dnech 2. a 3. října a v případě druhého kola ve dnech 9. a 10. října 2020 se v hlavním městě Praze uskuteční ve třech volebních obvodech volby do Senátu Parlamentu České republiky. Voličům v nařízené karanténě nebo izolaci je podle v srpnu schváleného zákona umožněno hlasovat u drive-in volebního stanoviště nebo doma do zvláštní přenosné volební schránky. Pro hlasování v domácnosti musí volič podat telefonickou žádost, v Praze jsou pro podání žádosti k dispozici tato telefonní čísla: 773 026 008, 773 026 020 zřízená Magistrátem hl. m. Prahy.
Villa Winternitz exhibits unique models of Adolf Loos’ buildings
31.5.2019 — In Villa Winternitz in Smíchov, Prague, you can currently visit an exhibition of models of constructions by the world-famous architect Adolf Loos, by the Japanese professor Yoshio Sakurai and his students.
Style Evenings in New Town Hall
14.4.2019 — The Harmonia Praga Chamber Orchestra has organised the sixth annual series of concerts, called Style Evenings, in the 'Novoměstská radnice' (New Town Hall).