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Celkem záznamů: 21807
A new vineyard on the slopes of Vítkov in Prague

18.12.2019 — There is much more to Prague than well-known tourist attractions like Hradčany and Wenceslas Square. For example, the Czech capital currently has a total number of fourteen vineyards within its borders. The most famous are St. Clare's Vineyard and Salabka Vineyard in Troja, Máchalka Vineyard in Vysočany, and Grébovka in Prague 2. The new vineyard in the park in Vítkov is a recent addition.


6.1.2014 —

Cirk La Putyka’s Homecoming

29.9.2019 — The contemporary circus ensemble Cirk La Putyka is celebrating its 10th anniversary. As part of the celebrations, they decided to return with three of their successful productions to their original venues: La Fabrika, Archa Theatre and the New Stage of the National Theatre's New Stage in October and November.

Summer at Prague Exhibition Grounds

15.7.2019 — Prague Exhibition Grounds welcomes visitors to the summer season. Besides attractions for children, sports opportunities and picnic spots, a summer garden restaurant and a new bistro are also open. Now, visitors can enter the lower part of the Grounds directly from Stromovka. In addition to continuing works on bigger investment projects, smaller-scale improvements are gradually being completed.

Berliner Philharmoniker New Year’s Eve Concert

31.12.2018 — For the eighth time, the traditional New Year's Eve Gala Concert of the Berlin Philharmonic. Orchestra will be broadcasted live to cinemas all over the world, the Lucerna cinema in Prague being one of them. Ring in the New Year a little bit differently in 2018! The Berliner Philharmoniker is one of the most important symphonic orchestras in the world. Much of their fame is due to the legendary conductor Herbert von Karajan. In the Gramophone's review of The World's 20 Greatest Orchestras, critics rated the orchestra as the second-best in the world.

Ambiciózní program letošního prestižního hudebního festivalu United Islands of Prague je příslibem nejlepší akce pražského kulturního léta

22.5.2006 — Pořadatelé největšího pražského festivalu, který se koná od 16. do 25.6. na pražských ostrovech, představili vedle hlavních hvězd skupin Placebo, Khaled, Medeski Martin & Wood další výjimečné interprety, kteří vystoupí letos na festivalu. Jsou jimi například africký rocker Rachid Taha, tuzemští Support Lesbiens, J.A.R. a Ecstasy of St. Theresa, ostrý ska ansámbl z New Yorku Fishbone, oblíbenci režiséra Tarantina Tito & Tarantula, další tuzemská perlička Čechomor, irští spolustrůjci Afro Celt Sound Systemu Iarla O´Lionaird a Michael McGoldrick, brazilský harmonikář Renato Borghetti, kultovní bluesman Lucky Peterson, jazzman a mimo jiné i syn slavného herce Kyle Eastwood, úspěšný jazzový projekt Dan Bárta & Illustratosphere, taneční -123 min a desítky dalších hudebních skupin z více než 20 zemí světa.

Praha pomáhá New Orleans při odstraňování následků hurikánu

18.10.2005 — Praha nezapomněla, jak vypadá město po živelní pohromě, proto uvolnila 16 miliónů korun pro New Orleans. Dnešní zasedání Rady projednalo návrh konkrétní pomoci, a to vyslání týmu odborníků do postižené oblasti. Tento návrh bude předložen ke schválení na čtvrtečním zastupitelstvu.

Lower part of Wenceslas Square to be revitalised

23.11.2019 — In the spring of 2020, revitalization works on the lower part of Wenceslas Square will commence. Residents of Prague as well as visitors to the Czech capital can look forward to a brand new modern public space. A venue for cultural events, new boulevards and walkways are just part of the planned work on the square. Another part of the revitalization is the preparation fora possible tram line in the future. Work at the bottom of Wenceslas Square should be completedby the end of 2021.

Limitations in Prague City Hall

20.3.2020 — Prague City Hall is limiting its services and is operating exclusively at the counters. New City Hall is closed, and these changes will also affect the City Council's activities.

Tavík František Šimon – Listy z cesty kolem světa

22.2.2022 — Zasněžená Paříž, Londýn, New York, Praha, Tokio, Hongkong, Singapur to jsou náměty obrazů Tavíka Františka Šimona, které vystavuje Galerie Chodovská tvrz. Paříž a Praha byly nejvíce malovanými a milovanými městy tohoto grafika a malíře, který procestoval několik kontinentů a vystavoval v Londýně i New Yorku.

Prague launches a new campaign to tackle coronavirus.

30.10.2020 — The city of Prague will launch a new campaign from Monday, the 26th of October, showing the faces of the frontline workers fighting the pandemic every day.

Marc Ribot’s Ceramic Dog

14.10.2009 — tisková zpráva / pozvánka na koncert

Boat or tram? Urban water transportation on the Vltava River

12.5.2019 — In the future, so-called water trams might also be added to the ferries on the Vltava River.

Enjoy the French wine festival at the New Town Hall

21.6.2019 — On the 22nd of June, the third annual 'Le Pavillon Français', will take place at the New Town Hall in Prague 2. Come to taste wines and delicacies, meet winemakers and enjoy the friendly atmosphere of the wine festival organised by wine merchant Chez Greg.

Jiří Turek

27.3.2012 —

Changes to Prague public transport in autumn and winter

31.10.2019 — Prague's integrated public transport system will soon undergo several changes. The development of the D metro line and new tram lines, large-capacity, convenient and comfortable transport, remains a priority. As regards bus lines, the city of Prague is preparing to adjust timetables in response to occupancy issues, especially in the quiet months of January and February, in order to make bus transport more effective.

11. Pražský šachový festival

16.6.2015 — 11. Pražský šachový festival pořádaný v partnerství s hl. m. Prahou a ve spolupráci s DDM hl. m. Prahy se bude konat ve dnech 20. až 28. 6. 2015 v prostorách Domu dětí a mládeže Karlínské Spektrum, Karlínské náměstí 7, Praha 8. V rámci festivalu budou sehrány 4 turnaje.

V Praze začíná Mistrovství Evropy hráčů do 21 let v malém fotbalu

15.7.2016 — Ode dneška až do neděle bude v Praze probíhat historicky první ročník Mistrovství Evropy hráčů do 21 let v malém fotbalu. Hráče ze všech osmi zúčastněných zemí dnes v Brožíkově sále Staroměstské radnice přivítal náměstek pražské primátorky pro dopravu a sport Petr Dolínek, který připomněl, že malý fotbal je díky populární Hanspaulské lize jedním z pražských fenoménů.

New circus festival Letní Letná takes place with reduced programme

30.6.2020 — Fans of new circus will be pleased to hear that Letní Letná, the popular new circus festival, will take place this year after all, and only part of the programme will be postponed until next year. The 17th annual Letní Letná festival will take place from the 18th to the 25th of August in Letenské sady in Prague. Unfortunately, the programme will not be the same, but it is still well worth a visit!

V Praze by se mohl konat evropský šampionát ve fotbale do 21 let

12.10.2010 — Českomoravský fotbalového svaz podal přihlášku na kandidaturu pro pořadatelství fotbalového Mistrovství Evropy hráčů do 21 let v roce 2013. Uvažuje se o hracích stadionech v Praze (Sparta a Slavia), v Olomouci a v Uherském Hradišti. Na dnešním jednání o tom byla informována Rada hl. m. Prahy.

Mezinárodní festival Prague Proms nabídne hudbu všech žánrů

5.6.2024 — Filmové melodie, klasická hudba, jazz či popové písně.

Ochrana klimatu

10.5.2024 —

State of emergency - COVID-19

13.3.2020 — On Thursday, March 12, the Czech government approved the announcement of an emergency situation throughout the Czech Republic. Emergency is declared for 30 days. Since March 16, Czech government declared ban on traveling abroad and entry of foreigners into the Czech Republic from all around the world. The measures are in effect until further notice. All information can be found at: https://www.mzcr.cz/Cizinci/, optionally at: https://www.mzv.cz/jnp/en/index.html.

Tigress Arila arrives at Prague ZOO

27.8.2019 — The "widowed" Siberian tiger Rádža is getting a new partner. The tigress Arila came to Prague from Germany and can be seen in the enclosure at the top of the zoo.

Nordic walking

5.8.2016 —

Prague Zoo during the pandemic

31.3.2020 — Prague Zoo is closed to the public due to the pandemic, but life inside goes on through the zoo's new YouTube channel. According to director Miroslav Bobek, the zoo is functioning without any major issues. Roughly a third of employees are still working, taking care of the animals and basic operations, including curators, breeders, veterinarians, feeders and the maintenance crew. Construction work continues on sites such as the new gorilla pavilion.

Darwin Crater opens to the public

8.6.2020 — Darwin Crater, the long-awaited habitat for Tasmanian and Australian fauna, including Tasmanian devils, has finally opened in Prague Zoo. The new exhibition is named after the area in Tasmania which was created by a fallen meteorite. The circular shape of Darwin Crater in Prague Zoo, which is the centre of the habitat, depicts the crater in Western Tasmania.

V Praze by se mohl konat evropský šampionát ve fotbale do 21 let

12.10.2010 — Českomoravský fotbalového svaz podal přihlášku na kandidaturu pro pořadatelství fotbalového Mistrovství Evropy hráčů do 21 let v roce 2013. Uvažuje se o hracích stadionech v Praze (Sparta a Slavia), v Olomouci a v Uherském Hradišti. Na dnešním jednání o tom byla informována Rada hl. m. Prahy.