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Celkem záznamů: 2011

20.6.2007 — Pozvánka na koncertní přehlídku Prague Jazz Week

Norwegian nu-jazz magicians Jaga Jazzist, one of the best concert groups of the present day.

1.4.2019 — The Concert Cycle Jazz of Four Continents in Jazz Dock

Jazz Photo Exhibition Comes to Prague

14.4.2019 — The American Center in Prague will host the Jazz World Photo exhibition until the 30th of April 2019.


6.1.2014 —

Prague full of Jazz

1.4.2019 — In April, 'Mladí Ladí Jazz', the annual International Youth Jazz Festival in Prague, will bring seven evenings of concerts where world renowned stars will be performing, workshops and, of course, the traditional youth competition 'Jazzfruit'. The festival is looking for talents in contemporary jazz and the experimental scene from the Czech Republic and abroad, and introduce them to the public. Its main goal is to bring the attention of a young audience back to jazz music and restore traditions of this music in the Czech Republic.

Žižkov meets jazz

18.11.2007 — Díky radnici městské části Prahy 3 se v pražském Paláci Akropolis rozjede další ročník festivalu Žižkov Meets Jazz. Tentokrát se představí hudební interpreti milující nejen jazz, ale i blues. A pozor, letos se poprvé můžeme těšit na mezinárodní obsazení.

Jazz Dock Orchestra plays Charles Mingus!

10.1.2022 — V pondělí 17. ledna od 20.00 hodin je na programu pražského jazzového klubu Jazz Dock koncert Jazz Dock Orchestra.

International Jazz Festival

13.10.2017 — Prague's Reduta Jazz Club, ranked by The Guardian magazine among the top ten jazz clubs in Europe, resonates with music of all genres from all over the world, from Dixieland and blues to classical and fusion jazz. The 39th International Jazz Festival Prague is held here until 5 November.