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Celkem záznamů: 32974
Festival Prague meets Vienna prohlubuje spolupráci mezi Prahou a Vídní

7.6.2023 — Tři dny plné kultury, odborných přednášek a mezinárodní spolupráce. To je festival Prague meets Vienna, jehož cílem je posilovat vztahy a spolupráci mezi Prahou a Vídní. Akce se uskuteční od 8. do 10. června na Mariánském náměstí a dalších místech v Praze. Veškerý program je pro veřejnost přístupný zdarma.


7.1.2010 — MUDr. Pavel Bém’s Responsibilities as the Mayor of Prague

Cycling season begins!

28.3.2019 — Prague City Hall has launched another cycling season.

Darwin Crater opens to the public

8.6.2020 — Darwin Crater, the long-awaited habitat for Tasmanian and Australian fauna, including Tasmanian devils, has finally opened in Prague Zoo. The new exhibition is named after the area in Tasmania which was created by a fallen meteorite. The circular shape of Darwin Crater in Prague Zoo, which is the centre of the habitat, depicts the crater in Western Tasmania.

Christmas Is Coming to Prague

11.12.2017 — The Christmas markets in the center of Prague combine a festive atmosphere with history. The traditional Christmas decoration blends with decorations and accessories inspired by the famous personalities associated with Prague: Emperor Charles IV., Rudolf II, Rabi Löw, and Franz Kafka.

Rare Chacoan peccary offspring in Prague Zoo mean hope for world breeding

16.6.2019 — At the beginning of May, two rare Chacoan peccary piglets (called Wagner's peccary in Czech from their scientific name Catagonus wagner) were born in Prague Zoo. Now visitors can see them with their parents in outside enclosure at the top of the zoo. This is a great zoological event: the Chacoan peccary has existed since prehistoric times and was only known from archaeological evidence until the 1970s.