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Celkem záznamů: 7841

14.7.2023 — Běh Run and Help pro Konto Bariéry


14.7.2023 — Běh Run and Help pro Konto Bariéry


14.7.2023 — Běh Run and Help pro Konto Bariéry


14.7.2023 — Běh Run and Help pro Konto Bariéry

Evaluation of comprehansive waste management system within the City of Prague in the years 1998-2017

9.1.2019 — EVALUATION OF COMPREHENSIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WITHIN THE CITY OF PRAGUE IN THE YEARS 1998-2017 WASTE PRODUCTION The City of Prague as a waste originator has produced the following: year ...


31.5.2006 — U N I T E D N A T I O N S N A T I O N S U N I E S THE SECRETARY-GENERAL -- MESSAGE ON WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 5 June 2006 The theme of this year’s observance of World...


5.1.2007 — EUROCITIES Culture Forum meeting – Warsaw, 12-14 October 2006 WD 8.1 1 Malmö 26/7 2006 Evaluation of the FYC in Düsseldorf 2006 and prospects for the future ...