During this year’s Prague Spirit Festival, you will not be alone

From the 15th to the 21st of March 2019, yoga enthusiasts from all over the world will gather in Prague to take part in the 9th Prague Spirit Festival. 'Novoměstská radnice' (The New Town Hall) hosts the main events. Yoga is about life, reality, pleasures and doubts. The motto of this year's annual festival, the first of its kind in the Czech Republic, is "You are not alone".

Opening ceremony

The festival will begin on Friday the 15th of March at 6PM at ‘Novoměstská radnice’. At the opening, you can meet all the instructors of this traditional event. Its organisers revealed that there will be a Spirit surprise for everyone. What will it be? They did not say – they only suggested that it could be a bhakti yoga ritual blessed by the guru AMMA, whose title means “mother” and who is well known for embracing people. Yoga enthusiasts will certainly understand, and those who do not will have to wait for the surprise.

The main guests

The festival will offer the most exciting and interesting yogi from the Czech Republic and around the world, with star instructors and guests. Among them will be Nadine McNeil from Jamaica; the Hollywood actress Hudson Leick, known from the cult series ‘Xena’, who has been doing yoga for 20 years; a Slovak shaman, Martin Ďuris, who has an alternative approach to yoga; and Vivek B. Gaur, an Indian yogi and Ayurveda professor and scientist from Rishikesh, the capital of yoga.

Saturday evening

On Saturday the 16th of March, there will be yoga lessons and talks in the daytime and Liberation Kirtan in the evening with the well-known musical couple Satyaa & Pari from Germany, who will be accompanied by the Czech multi-instrumentalist Vojta Violin, who can play three instruments simultaneously.

Always something extra

The festival always has extra surprises. This year, there will be classes for partners and lessons for seniors that will be free of charge. At the City Hall, you will also find plenty of beautiful, fragrant and colourful stalls connected to yoga.

The festival continues

On Sunday, the 17th of March, the festival moves into Space4you's multifunctional space, where seminars, workshops, lectures and yoga lessons will take place until Thursday the 21st of March.


Make time for yourself, open your heart and eyes and experience moments that will fill you with energy for the rest of the year.

Prague Spirit festival 2019



The main program on the 15th and the 16th of March:

Novoměstská radnice (The New Town Hall)

Karlovo náměstí 1, Prague 2


Program 17th - 21st of March

Space4you Studio

Příčná 1, Prague 1



Festival passes for the main programme at:


Entries to the individual lessons can be purchased directly at the registration in ‘Novoměstské radnice’ (The New Town Hall).

FREE lessons for seniors and for partners on Saturday the 16th of March, in the Ceremonial Hall of Novoměstská Radnice


More information at: www.praguespiritfestival.com  and www.space4you.cz

11. března 2019
11. března 2019