Unique numbering system on Prague’s lampposts assists with rescues

There are more than 130,000 lampposts in Prague and each pole is marked with a unique number code. It accurately identifies a particular pole and provides information about its location. "We have a database of these numbers that is accessible to the Integrated Rescue system. Emergency line operators are able to quickly locate the caller when they give them the number of the nearest public lamppost. In practice, it helps a lot," Jan Chabr says. Chabr is Prague's City Hall Councillor and is in charge of Prague's municipal assets.

The system proves to be very useful in the event of traffic accidents, and injuries and illnesses in public places. Public lighting is managed by Technologie hlavního města Prahy (The City of Prague Technology Company), established last year, which will greatly improve the existing system.

"In future, the caller should not have to tell the operator the number of the pole, are we are discussing with the possibility of introducing QR codes and other methods with the emergency services, that would make the process even faster," adds Councillor Jan Chabr.

These upgraded labels should appear on public lampposts in the course of 2019.

21. ledna 2019
21. ledna 2019