Accidental contaminant spills

The text is based on the chapter Accidental contaminant spills through the public water supply system published in yearbook Prague Environment 2005.

Two institutions are authorised to perform government functions in water management in accordance with the Act No. 130/1974 Code, as amended by the Act No. 458/1992 Code. These are the Czech Environmental Inspection (CEI) – Prague Regional Inspectorate, Department of Water Protection, and the Prague City Hall (Magistrát hl. m. Prahy – MHMP) – Division for Development, Department of Water Management. Both the institutions are the authorities where cases of accidental spills of groundwater and surface water contaminants are to be reported to and which take actions in such accidents (decontamination, remedial measures, and fines to polluters). The following accident overviews are taken from the registries of the cases addressed by the CEI and MHMP.

In 2004 the Department of Water Protection of the CEI, Prague Regional Inspectorate registered 82 accident contamination spills into waters. In 66 cases the accident contamination originator was not identified. The MHMP, Division for Development, Department of Water Management investigated twenty-four accidents.


Tab. Overview of Accidents Registered by the CEI Prague Office in 2004

Date Originator Cause of
the contamination
spilled, quantity
Accident Location

20. 1. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Podolí Embankment, Street Modřanská

22. 1. 2004

potrubní, a. s.

not identified

not identified

Libušský Creek, Prague 4 - Modřany – Modřany Gorge

27. 1. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Štěrboholský Creek at crossing of Streets Nedokončená and Ústřední

31. 1. 2004

SOFIL, s. r. o.

human failure

ammonia (ammonium

Praha Sedlec, Frost Facility Sofil

5. 2. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Prague Nebušice – WWTP Nebušice

6. 2. 2004

Pražské vodovody
a kanalizace, a. s.

technical failure

waste water

Prague Kolovraty WWTP

7. 2. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Praha 11 - Milíčov, Retention Reservoir Vrah

10. 2. 2004

Jan Šín ASP

human failure

diesel fuel, 200–400 l

Praha, Jižní spojka approx. 500 metres from the Barrandov Bridge

16. 2. 2004

na Bulovce

human failure

diesel fuel

Prague 8, premises of the Bulovka Hospital

20. 2. 2004

not found

human failure

hydraulic oil, cca 200 l

Prague 9, Street Kbelská

23. 2. 2004

not found

not identified


Praha 14, ul. Hamerská, public well

25. 2. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

premises of Letov Letňany, WWTP Miškovice, Mratínský Creek

29. 2. 2004

Pražské vodovody
a kanalizace, a. s.

not identified

waste water

Blatovský Creek from Újezd nad Lesy to Běchovice

10. 3. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Praha, Radotín

10. 3. 2004

not found

not identified

foam on water level

Prague, area below the Mánes Bridge

14. 3. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Prague 9, Lake Kyjský

17. 3. 2004

not found

not identified

sewerage waste water

Radotín, the Berounka River

18. 3. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified


19. 3. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Praha Čakovice, Street Schollerova

19. 3. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Praha Dubeč, Lake Rohožník

23. 3. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Praha – port  Holešovice

26. 3. 2004

not found

human failure

petrol, oil

Prague 7, Street Za elektrárnou

26. 3. 2004

not found

human failure

motor fuel, approx. 1 l

Crossing of streets K přehradám and Strakonická, Praha 5

28. 3. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Chodovecký Creek, Retention reservoir R5,
Street Choceradská, Praha 4 - Spořilov

29. 3. 2004

not found

not identified

wax with solvent

Praha 11, Košíkovský Creek, Retention reservoir

4. 4. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Hostavický Creek, Praha 9

5. 4. 2004

not found

human failure

waste water

Podolí Embankment, Praha 4

7. 4. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Praha, Kampa

9. 4. 2004

Pragolaktos, a. s.

human failure

waste water

Prague 9, Hostavický Creek

25. 4. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Praha 4, Street U přehrady

30. 4. 2004

Pražské vodovody
a kanalizace, a. s.

technical failure

not identified

Praha 1, Wilsonova ul.

3. 5. 2004

not found

human failure

insolube matter containg PCBs, 360 kg

Nademlejnská ul., ul. U Elektry,
Lake Hořejší,
Praha 9 - Hloubětín

4. 5. 2004

a kanalizace Říčany
u Prahy, spol. s r. o.

technical failure

waste water

Praha Kolovraty, Říčanka Stream

4. 5. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Litovický Creek, reservoir Džbán

11. 5. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Botič Stream, near the Theatre Na Fidlovačce

11. 5. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Lake Šeberák

11. 5. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Praha 5, Smíchov

12. 5. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Průhonická Street, Praha 10

26. 5. 2004

not found

not identified

ammonia – solution

Praha 9, Dolní Počernice,
Hostavický Creek

30. 5. 2004

not found

not identified


ul. Přátelství, Praha Uhříněves

3. 6. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Praha 9, Hořejší

5. 6. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Praha 9 - Kyje, Lake Kyjský

10. 6. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Praha 15, ul. U Břehu, Botič Stream

10. 6. 2004

Pražské vodovody
a kanalizace, a. s.

technical failure

waste water

ul. Na Blatech, a ul. Červený mlýn, Praha 8, Ďáblice

14. 6. 2004

Inženýrské stavby
Praha, s. r. o.

human failure

discharge from construction
hole and gas pipeline flushing

Praha Bohnice, ul. V Zámcích, Vltava River

15. 6. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Praha, ul. Za Rokytkou

22. 6. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Praha 10, Hostivař, ul. U Břehu

26. 6. 2004

teplárenská, a. s.

technical failure

hydrochloric acid, 200 l

Praha 7, Holešovice, Partyzánská ul.

30. 6. 2004

not found

uman failure

petrol, cca 20 l

Praha, Klánovice

13. 7. 2004

not found

not identified

sewerage waste water

Praha 9, Rokytka Stream, underneath streets Českobrodská and Pod Táborem

14. 7. 2004

not found

not identified

sewerage waste water

Praha, Štvanice

18. 7. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

ul. U Břehu, Praha 10, Botič Stream

19. 7. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Praha 4, ul. K Horkám, Mírového hnutí,
retention reservoir

19. 7. 2004

not found

human failure

oil, 2 l

ul. Křižovnická a Platnérská, Praha

26. 7. 2004

sportovní klub Praha

technical failure


Praha 10, Botič Stream, Havlíčkovy Orchards

2. 8. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Prague 22, Lake Vodice

3. 8. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Prague 5, Berounka River

5. 8. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Praha 5, Lochkov, retention reservoir

5. 8. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Vltava River near the Hospital na Františku

8. 8. 2004

not found

technical failure

waste water

Prague 22, Lake Vodice

26. 8. 2004

not found

human failure


Praha 19 - Třeboradice

31. 8. 2004

not found

technical failure

sewerage waste water

Praha, opposite to the Štvanice Island, Town Wall Dyke

2. 9. 2004

not found

technical failure

sewerage waste water

Praha, Štvanice, Town Wall Dyke

2. 9. 2004

not found

human failure


Praha ul. Průmyslová, Černokostelecká

2. 9. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Praha 6, Radimova ul.

5. 9. 2004

not found

human failure

vegetable oil

Praha, near Štefánikův Bridge

24. 9. 2004

not found

not identified


Na Florenci 5, Praha 8

7. 10. 2004

not found

not identified

vegetable oil

Praha Podolí, port

8. 10. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

port Holešovice

14. 10. 2004

not found

not identified

sewerage waste water

Prague 1, Alšovo Embankment

16. 10. 2004

not found

human failure

oil, 2 l

Křižovatka ul. Rabakovská - Legerova

20. 10. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

retention reservoir R1,
ul. U Přehrady, Praha 11

22. 10. 2004

not found

not identified

oils, 100–200 l

Praha Troja - Klecany

30. 10. 2004

not found

technical failure

sewerage waste water

ul. Pod Smetankou, Rokytka Stream

4. 11. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

ul. Modrá, retention reservoir

5. 11. 2004

Čechofracht, a. s.

not identified

not identified (aviváž)

Lake Kyjský

11. 11. 2004

Metrostav, a. s.

technical failure


Praha 9, Praha 8, Rokytka od Poděbradské na Elznicovo nám.

17. 11. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

retenční nádrž Choceradská ulice Praha 4

21. 11. 2004

not found

not identified

unknown foam

Rokytka Stream near its mouth, Vltava River

30. 11. 2004

Roman Šmidberský

not identified

diesel fuel

crossing of streets
Novořeporyjská - K Barrandovu

1. 12. 2004

not found

not identified


Praha 4, Kunratický Creek near Thomayerova Hospital

31. 12. 2004

not found

not identified

not identified

Praha Miškovice, WWTP Miškovice

Source: ČIŽP


Tab. Overview of Accidents Registered by the MHMP in 2004

Date Accident Location Contaminant spilled Contaminated site

22. 1. 2004

Cholupický Creek


surface water

27. 1. 2004

Štěrboholský Creek near Street Ústřední


surface water

28. 1. 2004

right bank of the Vltava River – Podolské Embankment

oil spill

surface water

10. 2. 2004

Jižní spojka communication after the Barrandovský Bridge

diesel fuel

surface water

26. 2. 2004

WWTP Miškovice

solvents, compounds containing Zn and Fe

surface water

14. 3. 2004

right shore of Lake Kyjský near Street Lánská

insoluble matter, light oil

surface water

18. 3. 2004

Dalejský Creek and its left bank tributary near Street Ebrova

faecal contamination

surface water

22. 3. 2004

Holešovický Port

oil spill

surface water

29. 3. 2004

Retention reservoir at Košíkovský Creek near the crossing
of streets Doupovská and K Horkám

insoluble matter, petrol, and light oil

surface water

9. 4. 2004

Pragolaktos, a. s. – Hostavický Creek


surface water

25. 4. 2004

Retention reservoir (DUN) near Street
U přehrady, Hostivař

oil spill

surface water

3. 5. 2004

Lake Hořejší – Streets Nademlejnská and U Elektry

insoluble matter containing PCBs

surface water

12. 5. 2004

Slatinský Creek, Street Průhonická, Praha 10

oil spill

surface water

30. 5. 2004

Říčanský Creek, Street Přátelství – Uhříněves

sewerage waste water

surface water

10. 6. 2004

ul. Na Blatech, Praha 8

sewerage waste water


14. 6. 2004

pravý břeh Vltavy při ul. V zámcích

oil spill

surface water

30. 6. 2004

ul. Mechovka, Klánovice

petrol and oil


9. 7. 2004

Vltava River in Bohnice

oil spill

surface water

19. 7. 2004

RN na Košíkovském potoce – dolní, ul. Doupovská a K Horkám
retention reservoir

oil spill

surface water

8. 8. 2004

Lake Nadýmač, Uhříněves

escape of WTP Říčany

surface water

9. 8. 2004

ul. U Břehu, Praha 10

organic solvents

surface water

26. 8. 2004

Třeboradický Creek

oil spill

surface water

7. 10. 2004

right bank of the Vltava River – Rowers’ Island

insoluble matter and edible oils

surface water

17. 11. 2004

Chodovecký Creek, Prague 4, Street Choceradská

oil spill

surface water

Source: OOP MHMP

30. května 2006
30. května 2006