Small water courses - introduction

drobné vodní toky v praze

Water courses and reservoirs are an important component of the Prague’s landscape. Since time out of mind water has always played an important role in all fields of human activities and a view of water in the city and landscape has been changing significantly over years. In cities of the past times water courses were seen rather as an obstacle to the infrastructure construction. Water was, moreover, considered untamed and dangerous element, which needs to be taken out of the city as fast as possible, underground as best. The current view of water courses and lakes in Prague is, however, somewhat different. Water is understood to be an integral part of the City and the City greenery. This opinion is also reflected in efforts of the current manager of water courses and reservoirs in Prague to renew old lakes, open stream beds of creeks and brooks, which are now taken in pipes, and revitalise them.

The Capital City of Prague is located in the widened part of the valley of the largest river in Bohemia the Vltava River, which forms its axis, having the large tributary of the Berounka River and numerous smaller tributaries. In total there are 99 creeks having overall length of approx. 295 km in Prague. The most important of them are Šárecký, Dalejský, and Radotínský Creeks on the left bank of the Vltava River, the most important right bank tributaries are Botič, Rokytka, and Kunratický Creek. The City also administers 37 lakes, 34 retention reservoirs, and dry polders. The most important water works are the Dam Hostivař (34.9 ha), Dam Džbán (12.6 ha), Dam Jiviny (9 ha), and the Lake Velký Počernický (19.6 ha).

17. června 2005
17. června 2005