Waste management in Prague – maps and lists

Locations of containers for sorted waste (paper and cardboard, plastics, glass, beverage boxes)


link to the section „Where one can dispose various types of waste”

  • The dynamic map of the City of Prague on Prague Service Co website with marked  locations of containers for sorted waste (paper and cardboard, plastics, glass) – information in Czech only
  • The complete and updated list of locations of containers for sorted waste  including collecting points for beverage boxes – available for browsing and to be downloaded (the file of the MS-Excell format, size 1,1Mbyte). - information in Czech only

High-capacity containers (HCC) for bulky waste


link to the section „Where one can dispose various types of waste”

  • Links to web pages of the City Districts, on which one can find locations and dates of the containers’ distribution – the information is available mostly in Czech only

Collecting yards of the City of Prague and Collecting yards of the City Districts


link to the section „Where one can dispose various types of waste”

  • The dynamic map of the City of Prague in the Atlas of the Environment with marked locations of Collecting yards on the territory of the City of Prague, Contacts, working hours and types of waste collected
  • The map of the City of Prague with marked locations of Collecting yards on the territory of the City of Prague (10/2011)
  • list of Collecting yards on the territory of the City of Prague valid since October 2011 with Contacts, working hours and types of waste collected (available for browsing and to be downloaded /the file of the RTF format, size 66 kbyte/) - information in Czech only

Stationary collecting points for hazardous waste


link to the section „Where one can dispose various types of waste”

  • The dynamic map of Prague in the Atlas of the Environment with marked locations of Stationary collecting points for hazardous waste on the territory of the City of Prague with Contacts, working hours and types of waste collected.
  • The map of Stationary collecting points for hazardous waste on the territory of the City of Prague (10/2011)
  • list with contacts, working hours and types of waste collected.


5. ledna 2006
5. ledna 2006