Overview of environmental conceptual documents of the City of Prague

In the course of 2003 and 2004 works were carried out on the development of several important conceptual documents of the City which are in close relation to environmental protection. Subsequently, these documents were discussed and approved by the City bodies. These are Territorial Energy Concept (TEC), Regional Concept of Environmental Education, Bring-up, and Awareness on the Territory of the City of Prague (RC EEBA Prague), and the Waste Management Plan of the City of Prague (WMP Prague).

In the course of 2005 and 2006 works went on the development of other important conceptual and programme documents of the City, which are in close relation to environmental protection. In 2006 the City authorities and bodies discussed and adopted the Integrated Regional Programme for Pollutants Emissions Reduction and on Air Improvements on the Territory of the City of Prague and Action Plan to the Regional Concept of Environmental Education, Bring-up, and Awareness on the Territory of the City of Prague.

In 2006 the works continued simultaneously on the updating of the Strategic Plan of the City of Prague (detailed information in Czech can be obtained at the internet pages of the City of Prague /magistrat.praha-mesto.cz, column Rozvojové projekty/).

The following brief descriptions depict the state of preparations and authorization of the aforementioned documents by November 2006. Furthermore, a list and brief annotations of other substantial documents dealing with the environmental protection issues, which were approved by the City bodies in the past, are available herein.


Area-specific regional concepts developed and discussed by the City bodies in years 2003- 2006:

zdeRegional Concept of Environmental Education, Bring-up, and Awareness on the Territory of the City of Prague (RC EEBA Prague, KK EVVO in Czech)

Status: The approved document (see the Decision of the Council of the City of Prague No. 0121 of 1 February 2005).
The project framework: The concept preparations were carried out following to national conceptual documents in the area of EEBA and the programme Declaration of the Council of the City of Prague for 2002-2006.
Party Ordering: The City of Prague in delegated power represented by the Department of the City Greenery of the Prague City Hall (at present the Department of the Environment of the Prague City Hall).
A team of the Regional Environmental Centre of the CR (REC CR) and the Centre for Community Works (CpKP) of Central Bohemia in close co-operation with the Steering Committee of the Project and active participation of the lay-by as well as professional public.
Description, course of the development: There were numerous round-table discussions, workshops, and other accompanying events and activities, concentrated on as widest participation of the public in the development of the documents as possible, carried out. The major output of the project - "Regional Concept of Environmental Education, Bring-up, and Awareness on the Territory of the City of Prague" - was submitted to the Committee for the Environment of the Assembly of the City of Prague in November 2004 and the Committee discussed the concept produced and recommended it to the Council of the City of Prague for adoption. The document was approved by the Decision of the Council of the City of Prague No. 0121 of 1st February 2005. The concept should become the basic strategic document in this area till 2015. In regards to the mentioned declaration, the EVVO Action Plan for the City of Prague for the year 2007 was prepared in 2006.
Document is available at: www pages of the City of Prague at envis.praha.eu – in Czech only (section Nástroje ochrany ŽP - EVVO, link „Aktivity města, krajská koncepce“, also at www.praha-mesto.cz/EVVO), in printed form publication „Praha a ekologická výchova“ (in Czech only).
Contacts, information:
Prague City Hall, Department of environmental protection of the Prague City Hall; detail information in Czech at envis.praha.eu (section Nástroje ochrany ŽP - EVVO, link „Aktivity města, krajská koncepce“) or www pages of CpKP, Central Bohemia subsidiary at www.cpkp.cz (in Czech only - section Ekoprogram - Zpracování koncepce EVVO hl. m. Prahy).


zdeTerritorial Energy Concept of the City of Prague

Status: The document taken into account (see the Decision of the Council of the City of Prague No. 0248 of 1 March 2005).
The project framework: The City of Prague is obliged to develop the TEC pursuant to Section 4 of the Act No.
406/2000 Code on energy economy.
Party Ordering: The City of Prague in delegated power represented by the Department of Municipal Infrastructure of the Prague City Hall.
Supplier: SEVEn, g. b. s. The works on the TEC were coordinated by the Steering Committee for the TEC development comprising of representatives of the Party Ordering, Supplier, Czech Energy Agency, and all major energy utility companies operating on the territory of the City of Prague.
Description, course of the development: The final version thereof is in compliance with the approved Town Plan of the City of Prague, Strategic Plan of the City of Prague, and the Long-Term Concept of Air Pollution Control of the City of Prague.
The TEC is developed for the period of 20 years. Due to the duration of its effectiveness the TEC is developed as an open document, which shall be updated on regular basis.
Within the TEC a detailed energy balance of the current demand and consumption of energy on the territory of the City of Prague by 2001 was developed, including the production of pollutants and greenhouse gases emissions into air classified by the branch of consumption, size of the source, and type of fuel. The SWOT analysis of the current state was carried out and specific aims and priorities of the energy concept were proposed. Potentials of future development were analysed in detail in three scenarios of energy demand development and in total eight alternatives of fuel and energy supply. Energy and emission balance of the current state as well as development alternatives were also worked out individually for each of 57 city parts of the City of Prague.
The TEC underwent the environmental impact assessment process pursuant to the Act No. 244/1992 Code on environmental impact assessment of development concepts and programmes and in accordance with the Directive No. 2001/42/EC on environmental impact assessment of certain plans and programmes. At the same time in September and October 2003 public hearings of environmental impacts of the TEC were held. In July 2004 the TEC proposal was submitted to the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic. The Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic issued its positive statement in September 2004. The Council of the City of Prague approved this document by its decision No. 0248 of 1 March 2005. In 2006 the Action Plan was worked out for the implementation of the TEC conclusions in the period 2007–2010.
The document is available at: www pages of the City of Prague at envis.praha.eu - in Czech only (section Příčiny změn - Energetika).
Contacts, information: Prague City Hall, Department of environmental protection of the Prague City Hall; www pages of the City of Prague at envis.praha.eu - in Czech only (section Příčiny změn - Energetika); www pages of SEVEn, g. b. s. at www.svn.cz. (information on the Concept in Czech only).


zdeWaste Management Plan of the City of Prague

Status: Draft Waste Management Plan of the City of Prague was approved on December 14, 2004 by the Council of the City (see the Decision of the Council of the City of Prague No. 2134 of 14 December 2004). In October 2005 the Assembly of Representatives of the City of Prague approved a draft of Generally Binding Ordinance establishing the Binding Part of the Waste Management Plan, which shall become effective on 1 January 2006 (see the Decision of the Assembly of the City of Prague No. 31/22 of 20 October 2005).
The project framework: The waste management plan has been developed by the City of Prague in its sole power pursuant to Sections 41 and 43 of the Act No. 185/2001 Code on waste and amending certain other acts as amended by the Act No. 477/2001 Code, the Act No. 76/2002 Code, the Act No. 275/2002 Code, the Act No. 320/2002 Code, and the Act No. 188/2001 Code (“act on waste”) and furthermore pursuant to Section 27 of the Decree of the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic No. 383/2001 Code on details of waste management. The initial background material for the WMP development was the Waste Management Plan of the Czech Republic; the other background materials are the approved conceptual documents of the City of Prague (Strategic Plan of the City of Prague and the Land-Use plan of the Residential Area of the City of Prague).
Party Ordering: The City Of Prague represented by Department of Municipal Infrastructure of the Prague City Hall.
Supplier: The company of Dekont Umwelttechnik, spol. s r. o. The works are coordinated by the Steering Committee of the WMPC (a temporary commission of the Council of the City of Prague, established on 27 January 2004).
Description, course of the development: This is the very fundamental conceptual document to establish conditions for waste generation prevention and waste management in accord with the act on waste on the territory of the region and serves as the background material for the development of the following waste management plans of waste producers. The objective thereof was to design such an integrated waste management system, which will make the current system more effective and will prefer the material reuse and energy use of waste to waste disposal. The WMP of the City of Prague has been developed for the period till 2013.
The process of strategic environmental impact assessment (SEA) of the Plan was finished in April 2005. The document called the “Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Waste Management Plan of the City of Prague (SEA WMP Prague) was developed by the regional Environmental Centre of the Czech Republic and the Centre for Community Works of Central Bohemia.
In October 2005 the Assembly of Representatives of the City of Prague approved a draft of Generally Binding Ordinance establishing the Binding Part of the Waste Management Plan, which shall become effective on 1 January 2006. The Binding part of the POH of the City of Prague will then serve as a cornerstone document for decision-making and other action of responsible administrative and local authorities in the field of waste management.
The document is available at: For the full text versions of the documents visit the City of Prague’s official website: envis.praha.eu (in Czech only - section Odpady - Koncepční dokumenty), relevant documents and output of SEA POH Prague -  available on the SEA compilers‘ website: www.reccr.cz/sea.html (section „Naše projekty“, in Czech only) 
Contacts, information:
Prague City Hall, Department of environmental protection of the Prague City Hall, Section of Municipal Waste; detail information in Czech at envis.praha.eu (section Odpady - Koncepční dokumenty).


zdeIntegrated Regional Programme for Pollutants Emissions Reduction and on Air Quality Improvement on the Territory of the City of Prague Agglomeration

Status: The document is approved (see the Decision of the Council of the City of Prague No. 1461 of 12 September 2006).
The project framework: The documents were in their draft form developed on the basis of the provisions of Section 6 (5) and Section 7 (6) of the Act No. 86/2002 Code on air pollution control, and Annexes Nos. 2 and 3 to the Act and following to the document of the Long-Term Objective of Air Pollution Control in the City of Prague.
Party Ordering: The City Of Prague represented by Department of the Environmental Protection of the Prague City Hall.
Supplier: ATEM – Studio of Ecological Modelling, spol. s r. o.
Description, course of the development: The programme is focused on the solving of the current as well as prospective air quality conditions when the highest acceptable values of certain pollutants concentration are exceeded. The programme works out a number of concrete remedial measures, which may affect qualitative parameters of air in positive manner. The programmes, after being approved, should become the initial documents for public administration performance at the level of the entire City and respective City parts not only in the area of air pollution control yet also in land-use planning, land-use decision making, permitting of new construction and/or modifications to current constructions, assessing intended activities and plans, which may significantly affect air cleanness, and assessing development concepts and programmes. The objective of the Programmes is to meet the obligation following from the valid legislation on air pollution control, namely compliance with immission limit values and emission ceilings by 2010.
The documents are available at: the electronic version is available on the Internet pages of the Prague City Hall (envis.praha.eu, section Ovzduší - Koncepční dokumenty); printed version is available in the Collection of Legal Regulations of the City of Prague (Regulation No. 14/2006 issuing the Integrated Regional Programme for Pollutants Emissions Reduction and on Air Quality Improvement on the Territory of the City of Prague Agglomeration, section 11/2006).
Contacts, information: Prague City Hall, Department of Environmental Protection of the Prague City Hall, Section of Air Pollution Control.


zdePrognosis, Concept, and Strategy of Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection in Prague

Status: The document is in the phase of development, the concept submission is expected in spring 2007. Then the concept’s strategic environmental impact assessment (SEA) shall be carried out.
The project framework: The concept is being developed in accordance with Section 77a (1) of the act No. 114/1992 Code, in wording of the following regulations and shall be developed pursuant to the Guidance for the Development of Prognosis, Concept, and Strategy of Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection in Territorial Competence of Regions as worked out by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic.
Party Ordering: the City of Prague represented by the City Development Authority of the Prague City Hall, sponsored organisation.
Supplier of the concept: U-24, spol. s r. o., Studio for urban development and land-use planning.
Supplier of the SEA: LÖW & spol., s. r. o., Czech Republic.
Description, course of the development: The basic principle for the creation of the concept and strategy of nature conservation and landscape protection is the keeping of and renewal of biological diversity and ecological stability of landscape as the base for sustainable landscape management and prerequisite for the keeping of ecologically balanced state while respecting changing environmental conditions. It is assumed that the Supplier will submit the completed concept at the beginning of 2007. Then the concept’s SEA shall be performed. The SEA delivery is expected in the first half of 2007. Then both the documents (the concept and the SEA) should be subject to public hearing.
Contacts, information: City Development Authority of the Prague City Hall, sponsored organisation, ATEM – Studio of Ecological Modelling and the Section of the IPPC of the Department of Environmental Protection of the Prague City Hall.


Further field concepts of the City of Prague

zdeGeneral Plan for Dewatering of the City of Prague

Status: The documents of the General Plan for Dewatering of the City of Prague, I Concept Phase was taken into account by the Decision of the Council of the City of Prague No. 1605 of 8 October 2002. Since 2002 the II. Detailed Phase of the GPD CP has been gradually developed.
Description, course of the development: The General Plan for Dewatering of the City of Prague (GP DCP) is a permanent strategic tool for the addressing of planning, investment and operation policy for the dewatering of the City of Prague.
For the vast extent of the whole project the development of the GP DCP was subdivided into two phases – I. Conceptual Phase and II. Detailed Phase of the GP DCP. The I. Conceptual Phase of the GO DCP was developed in 1999–2001. Its major objective was to establish a clear concept for the dewatering of the City territory the way that secure control of rainwater and sewerage taking out is ensured and at the same time the water is treated at such a level that there is no exceedance of allowable degree of water course load. The concept proposed defines main directions of the system development, determines which way the important elements of the system shall be maintained and developed further in assessing of technology and economic impacts of designs proposed. Since 2001 the II. Detailed Phase of the GP DCP has been developed by respective whole catchment areas at the detailed level of solution (2002–2003: West City, Kunratice, Šeberov).
In 2004 and 2005 works proceeded on the administration of the developed General plan For the Dewatering of the City of Prague of the I. Conceptual Phase and gradual development of the II. Detailed Phase (Koloděje; Study on dewatering of a part of the catchment area of the Main sewer “E” and design of a flushing channel; the catchment areas of the main sewer “B” on the right bank down to the Karlín inverted siphon). The already developed parts of the GP DCP are administered and updated in order to maintain the whole system in updated state.
In 2006 works on other three complete parts of the GP DCP for II. Detailed Phase (the General Plan for Dewatering of the South-east part of the City of Prague, the north Part of the City of Prague, and General Plan for Dewatering of Hlubočepy - Holyně, which is in the area addressed simultaneously with the General Plan for Water Supply) started.
In 2005 and 2006 works proceeded on the administration of the developed General plan For the Dewatering of the City of Prague of the I. Conceptual Phase so the whole system is kept updated. In 2005 studies were developed as follows: study on dewatering of a part of the catchment area of the Main Sewer “E” and design of a flushing channel; the catchment areas of the Main Sewer “B” on the right bank down to the Karlín inverted siphon; calculation of the transfer of sewage water from the right bank portion of the catchment area of the Main Sewer A into the catchment area of the Main Sewer B; recalculation of the of the Conceptual Part of the GP DCP related to the decision on the location of the CWWTP Prague on the Caesar’s Island, and the study following the recalculation developed in 2006 – Modification of the inflow labyrinth of the sewerage system for the overall reconstruction and expansion of the CWWTP on the Caesar’s Island).
Contacts, information, available documents: The company of PVS, a. s., Cihelná ul. 548/4, 118 01 Prague 1.


zdeDevelopment Plan for Water Mains and the Sewerage System

Status: The document is approved (see the Decision of the Council of the City of Prague No. 28/16 of 26 May 2005). The document is expected to be updated in 2007.
Party Ordering: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, Prague Water Management Co.
Supplier: HYDROPROJEKT CZ, a. s.
The project framework: The Development Plan of Water Mains and the Sewerage System of the City of Prague was developed within the scope, method, and form as required by provisions of Section 4 of the Act No. 274/2001 Code on water mains and sewerage systems for public needs and amending certain acts (hereinafter as the act on water mains and sewerage systems) and within the extent of requirements given in provisions of Sections 2, 3, and 4 of the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic No. 428/2001 Code executing the act on water mains and sewerage systems. In the development works on the Plan of Water Mains and the Sewerage System of the City of Prague the Methodical Instruction of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic for the Development Plans of Regional Water Mains and Sewerage Systems Ref. No.: 10534/2002-6000 was complied with. Measures and investments proposed in the programme are in accordance with the Czech legislation and shall lead to the providing for compliance with requirements following from provisions both national legislation and the EU legislation.
Description, course of the development: The Development Plan of Water Mains and the Sewerage System contains the conceptual design of the drinking water supply, including the designation of sources of surface water and groundwater considered for the purpose of treatment for drinking water and the concept for sewerage collection and treatment of waste water on the given territorial unit. The concepts proposed must be economic and must include solutions of relations to the development plans of neighbouring territories. Its aim is to set up the direction of the development of infrastructure of water mains and sewerage systems in the assessed region – the City of Prague with prospects till the year 2015. The document is expected to be updated in 2007.

The Development Plan of Water Mains and the Sewerage System of the City of Prague contains:

  • description of water mains, including relations to neighbouring regions;
  • description of a sewerage system, including relations to neighbouring regions;
  • collection of background data on demographic development, calculations of water consumption and waste water production, evaluation of the current state of water supply and drainage. The initial period shall the up-to-date state of water mains and sewerage systems in 2002;
  • design of retrofits and completion of water mains, water treatment plants, sewerage systems, WWTPs and MWWTPs, including the determination of investment costs required;
  • the database according to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic software.

Contacts, information: The company of PVS, a. s., Cihelná 548/4, 118 01 Prague 1.


zdeGeneral Plan for Water Supply to the City of Prague

Status: The document was discussed with the City Development Authority of the Prague City Hall and the company of PVK, a. s.
Description, course of the development: The General Plan for Water Supply to the City of Prague is a document important to the whole City which addresses the concept o water supply to the City of Prague and is one of the supporting documents for the addressing of the Development Plan of Water Mains and Sewerage Systems of the City of Prague and the Land-Use plan of the City of Prague. The whole project was for time and financial reasons subdivided into two basic phases, the conceptual phase and the detail one.
Within the framework of the conceptual phase the Conceptual Model of the Distribution System was worked out in 2001–2002, which objectives are as follows:

  • creating of a hydraulic model – steady model of the main distribution model;
  • determining of current and prospective water consumption;
  • assessing of the main supply mains;
  • assessing of the pump stations;
  • assessing of the current sources of drinking water;
  • assessing of the current state under standard as well as extraordinary operating conditions;
  • assessing of prospective state under standard as well as extraordinary operating conditions;
  • defining weak points of the system and proposal for measures.

Vysočany, Hrdlořezy (11/2001), Conceptual assessment of water supply to Křeslice (5/2002), and Optimisation of the mains DN 600 VDJ Havlín – VDJ Baně (11/2002) were subsequently implemented.
In 2003 works on the GPWS conceptual phase continued. The company of PVS, a. s. provided for the development of the Study of the final solution of selected parts of the conceptual model, which addresses three circles of issues: assessment of the conversion of the Water Treatment Plant Podolí into the operating state of “cold reserve” and definition of impacts of the measure on the distribution system (date 1/2003), transfer of the Conceptual model of the distribution system into pseudo-steady model (date 3/2003), and a conceptual design of the changing of zones in Old Town and New Town following to optimisation of the use of storage volumes of the water reservoirs Karlov, Vinohrady – Korunní, Mazanka, and Flóra and to optimisation of pressure conditions in water mains network (date 6/2003).
In 2005 the projects of the Detailed Phase of the General plan of Water Supply – Study on Optimisation of the Design Parameters and Procedure for Reconstruction of the Mains DN 1200 VDJ Chodová – Kyje Node and the Detailed Phase of the Water Supply in the Area of Old Town and New Town were implemented.
In 2006 the General Plan for Water Supply to Hlubočepy - Holyně (to be implemented in 12/2005–12/2006) was developed and preparations of the General Plan for Water Supply to the South-east part of Prague started (expected implementation 11/2006–12/2007).
Contacts, information: The company of PVS, a. s., Cihelná 548/4, 118 01 Prague 1. 


zdePrinciples of the new system of numeric marking of cycling routes on the territory of the City of Prague

Status: The document was accepted by the Council of the Prague City Hall (see the Decision of the Council of the Prague City hall No. 1551 of 3 October 2006).
The project framework: The document follows to the formerly adopted documents of the Concept of the basic system of cycling routes on the territory of the City of Prague (the document adopted by the Decision of the Council of the Assembly of the City of Prague No. 323 of 1993) and the Principles of further development of the cycling route system on the territory of the City of Prague after 2002 (the document adopted by the Decision of the Council of the Assembly of the City of Prague No. 0544 of 29 April 2003), Land-Use Plan of the City of Prague (see the description in table), and the principles of Transport Policy of the City of Prague (ACP, 1996).
Supplier: Institute of Transport Engineering of the City of Prague on the basis of background documents developed by representatives of the Working Group for Bicycle Transport in the first half of 2006.
Description: The document sets the hierarchy, makes more precise, and expands the network of cycling routes of the pan-City importance. The Council of the Prague City Hall ordered the Technical Administration of Roads of the City of Prague to apply the new system in the field with the implementation of the first sections as early as in 2006.
Contacts, information, available documents: Internet pages Prague for Cyclists (www.praha-mesto.cz/cyklo); Working Group for Bicycle Transport; www pages of the Institute of Transport Engineering of the City of Prague (www.udi-praha.cz, Information for cyclists).



zdeAction Plan to the Regional Concept of Environmental Education, Bring-up, and Awareness on the Territory of the City of Prague (RC EBA Prague)

Status: The document was approved by the Council of the Prague City Hall (see the Decision of the Prague City Hall No. 1322 of 29 August 2006).
The project framework: The Action Plan follows to the Regional Concept of Environmental Education, Bring-up, and Awareness on the Territory of the City of Prague for 2005–2015 (RC EBA).
Party Ordering: The City of Prague.
Supplier: Advisory Group established by the Councillor of the City of Prague for the environment effective solely for the period of the formation of the concept for the AP EEBA and its preparation for the adoption by the Council of the Prague City Hall.
Description, course of the development: The Document defines prioritised activities in the field of EBA in Prague for 2007. It was developed in the course of August 2006.
The documents are available at: The electronic version (in Czech only) at the Internet pages of the Prague City Hall at envis.praha.eu (section Nástroje životního prostředí - EVVO, also at www.praha-mesto.cz/evvo/).
Contacts, information: The Department of Department of Environmental Protection of the Prague City Hall (OOP MHMP), Section of Environmental Information, Internet pages of the Prague City Hall at envis.praha.eu (section Nástroje životního prostředí - EVVO, also at www.praha-mesto.cz/evvo/).


zdeAction Plan for the implementation of the TEC conclusions in 2007–2010

Status: The document draft was developed in 2006 and is ready for discussion at the Council of the Prague City Hall.
Description, course of the development: The Document development follows from the Decisions of the Council of the Prague City Hall No. 1504 of 18 November 2005. The Action Plan is the programme document specifying, making more precise, and developing objectives and conclusions of the Territorial Energy Concept of the city of Prague (TEC) for the four-year period established. Background documents for the Action Plan are, besides the TEC and the following Study on Reliability and Strategic Security in Energy Industry, especially the Strategic Plan of City of Prague and the Integrated Regional Programme for Pollutants Emissions Reduction and on Air Quality Improvement on the Territory of the City of Prague Agglomeration.
Party Ordering: The City of Prague represented by Department of the Environmental Protection of the Prague City Hall.
Suppliers: ENVIROS, s. r. o., SEVEn, o. p. s.
Description, course of the development: The Document specifies concrete steps that shall lead to the providing for reliable and economic management of fuel and energy in accord with requirements for sustainable development of the City over the mid-term period. Sustainable trends feature: reduction of energy demand and simultaneously improved effectiveness of energy use in all sectors of its final consumption, changes to the structure of supply to cover the energy demand favouring more sophisticated fuels with less emission burden and energy types both in transformation processes and in the final use – while taking into account economic effectiveness, increased reliability, security, and safety of energy systems and the use of renewable and secondary sources of energy as local sources (which should contribute to the increased subsistence and sustainable pattern of the City development).
The documents are available at: After being approved by the Council of the Prague City Hall at the internet pages of the City of Prague.
Contacts, information: The Department of Department of Environmental Protection of the Prague City Hall (OOP MHMP), Section for Energy Systems, Internet pages of the Prague City Hall (envis.praha.eu - section Příčiny změn - Energetika, in Czech only).


zdeOther documents:


zdeTab. - Overview of other, formerly adopted conceptual documents related to issues of environmental protection

The Town Plan of the City of Prague

The approved document (see the Decision of the Assembly of the City of Prague No. 10/05 of 9 September 1999, ordinance on the binding part of the land-use plan approved by the Decision of the Assembly of the City of Prague No. 1156 of 26 October 1999 and issued as the Ordinance No. 32/1999 of the City of Prague, effective since 1 January 2000. At the same time the Ordinance of the city of Prague No. 33/1999 on the prohibited construction development in the large development areas of the City. The Ordinance of the City of Prague No. 32/1999 Code was amended by means of Ordinances No. 10/2001, 27/20002, 30/2002, 8/2003, 3/2004, 7/2004, 6/2005, 24/2005, 17/2005, 6/2006 and 15/2006 Code.
Supplier: City Development Authority of the City of Prague.
The Town Plan of the city of Prague deals with functional use and arrangement of plots on the City territory as a whole, establishes basic principles of the territory organisation, and the procedure of the territory use while fulfilling objectives and implications contained in the land-use and economic principles.
Information (in Czech only): The City of Prague website at www.praha-mesto.cz (section Územní plánování a rozvoj).

The Long-Term Concept of Air Pollution Control on the Territory of the City of Prague

The document taken into account (see the Decision of the Council of the City of Prague No. 0388 of 1 April 2003).
Following to the document the Integrated Regional Programme or Pollutants Emissions Reduction and Integrated Regional Programme for Air Improvements on the Territory of the City of Prague should have been developed and approved.
Detail information (in Czech only): the City of Prague website at envis.praha.eu (section Ovzduší - Koncepční dokumenty).

The Principles of the Greenery Management in the City of Prague

The document was approved by the Assemble of the City of Prague (see the Decision of the Assembly No. 17/4 of 25 April 1996).
Detail information: the City of Prague website at envis.prague-city.cz – in English (section For experts and partner cities - The principles of the Greenery System Maintenance in the City of Prague), the City of Prague website at envis.praha.eu - in Czech only (section Příroda,krajina,zeleň - Koncepční dokumenty).

The Principles of the Transport Policy of the City of Prague

The document was approved by the decision of the Assembly of the City of Prague No. 13/21 of 11 January 1996.
Information (in Czech only): www pages of the Institute of Transportation Engineering of the City of Prague at www.udi-praha.cz (Information for experts/Informace pro odborníky - principles of Transport Policy of the city of Prague/Zásady dopravní politiky hl .m. Prahy).
Note: Crucial priorities for the term of office 2002–2006 are given in the Programme Declaration of the Council of the City of Prague for the Term of Office 2002–2006 in the Section Transportation.

26. června 2007
26. června 2007